Alisa Glinka and Hege Størseth Suspended after Positive Doping Test - New Olympic Slot Available?

Mon, 05/27/2024 - 16:00
Alisa Glinka :: Photo © Astrid Appels

Moldovan dressage rider Alisa Glinka and Norwegian para dressage rider Hege Størseth have been suspended by the FEI following a positive human doping test.

Both tested positive to "Class S5. Diuretics and Masking Agents".

The FEI has delegated the implementation of its anti-doping programme for human athletes to the International Testing Agency (the “ITA”). Cases arising from Violations of the FEI Anti-Doping Rules for Human Athletes are heard and adjudicated by the Anti-Doping Division of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (the “CAS ADD”).

Alisa Glinka

Glinka had a positive result at the 2024 World Cup Finals in Riyadh, where she competed Abercrombie (by Ampere x Wolkentanz II) just weeks after giving birth to her fifth child. She scored 62.873 % in the Grand Prix and was not eligible to ride the freestyle with that score. 

She has been suspended because of her positive doping test since 22 May 2024. She is based with Rudolf Widmann in Gemany.

Eurodressage reached out to Glinka but did not receive a reply. 

Olympic Spot for Moldova? Or Hungary?

Tatiana Antonenco needs to get 2x 67%
if she wants to dream of Paris
Moldova achieved an individual spot for the Olympics in Paris. As Moldova's highest scoring rider, Glinka could lose the opportunity to ride in Paris if she doesn't get her suspension lifted. The Moldovan equestrian federation can allocate the spot to the next qualified rider, who achieved the MER. 

Between 1 January 2023 and 24 June 2024 the rider must have achieved a minimum 67%,  attributed twice by both a L4 judge and as an average from all judges in the competition, and the score must be achieved in a Grand Prix test at two different CDI3*/CDI4*/CDI5*/CDI-W/CDIO events. 

The only other Moldovan international grand Prix rider on the planet is Tatiana Antonenco. She rides two Grand Prix horses, Helsinki and Double Dutch. She has not yet scored a 67% in a Grand Prix on either of them. Only horse Double Dutch could be in the running as he's declared for Moldova. Helsinki is declared for Belgium as her life partner, Belgian Serge Pais is co-owner.

If Moldova cannot field a rider; the spot will be allocated to an individual rider fro Hungary. The Hungarian equestrian federation will have the power to choose which rider. The only condition is that they have to have achieved the MER.

Hege Størseth

Størseth was tested during the 2023 CPEDI Vallensbaek in Denmark on 10 - 12 August 2023.

Hege Storseth on Honnerups Force in 2021
The Grade IV  rider competed Honnerups Lidell (by Don Olymbrio x Classic) to a 4th, 6th and 7th place in Vallensbaek and went on to ride at the 2023 European Para Dressage Championships in Riesenbeck on 6 - 8 September 2024, where she placed 10th in the Grand Prix B.

She has been suspended since 25 September 2023 according to the FEI database.

"The Norwegian Equestrian Federation was notified in September about an AAF in Ms. Størseth’s anti-doping sample from an event in August 2023," Ingeborg Simensen, the Norwegian para dressage chef d'equipe told Eurodressage. "The athlete accepted a voluntary provisional suspension from 23. Sept. 2023, awaiting a final decision from the FEI. Hence, the athlete has been suspended from all organized equestrian activities and competitions since then. The FEI has still not concluded this case, so until further the athlete is only limited by her voluntary suspension."

Størseth was reluctant to provide details on the matter, referring to a "horrifying injury" due to an accident with a horse and "bad treatment from doctors." She hopes to put the case behind her as she works on the recovery of her health.

Photo © Astrid Appels - Silke Rottermann

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