Austrian Teams Named for 2024 European Young Riders/U25 Championships

Wed, 06/19/2024 - 15:41
Florentina Jöbstl on Bodyguard at the 2023 European Junior Riders Championships :: Photo © Astrid Appels

The Austrian equestrian federation has named the teams that will represent Austria at the 2024 European Young Riders / Under 25 Championships held on home turf in Austria.

The championships take place at Reithof Stuckler in St. Margarethen (AUT) on 16 - 21 July 2024.

The final Austrian team selection trial was ridden last weekend at the CDI Achleiten.

Austria is fielding:

Young Riders

  • Aschauer Leon - Formidable
  • Friedl Valentina - Korefan
  • Gebhard Corinna - Bellagio
  • Jöbstl Florentina - Bodyguard
  • Schwarzmüller-Kröpfl Anna - Fürst Charmeur PS

The Austrian federation did not indicate who the reserve rider is. A final ride-off will be taking place in Brno where Aschauer and Schwarzmuller-Kröpf will battle it out for the team spot.

Under 25

  • Fuchs-Benes Lukas - Gogogachetto Chippendale
  • Jöbstl Paul - Elastico
  • Pengg Ciara  - Dorincourt

Photo © Astrid Appels

Related Link
Eurodressage Coverage of the 2024 European Young Riders and Under 25 Championships