Grand Prix Sales proudly presents a world class collection of dressage foals. The online auction starts on Wednesday 3 July at 10.00 AM (dressage foals).
The collection of dressage foals is packed with foals related to Olympic horses, approved stallions and Grand Prix winners.
Olympic Families
Colt out of full sister World Champion Vamos Amigos, Niece to Olympic horse Imhotep, Full brother to Kuvasz RS2 & many more…
Showman (St. Emilion x Vitalis), his dam is the full sister to World Champion Vamos Amigos.
And Up d’Ottie (O’Toto van de Wimphof x Ferdinand) is a niece to Charlotte Dujardin’s Imhotep.
Full brother approved stallion KUVASZ RS2 NOP.
From World Champion Glamourdale we also have a filly in the auction: Uresia (Glamourdale x Vivaldi) whose grandam is the sister to KWPN stallion Dream Boy.
Fidertanz, Sandro Hit and Donnerhall
From the direct dam lines of Fidertanz, Sandro Hit and Donnerhall we have selected top colts with excellent movements:
Firestone S (Ferguson x Sezuan)
El Primo S (Escolar x Totilas)
Elton Dream (Extreme US x Jameson RS2)
Untouchable DDH (Glamourdale x De Niro).
An absolutely king in our collection is the amazing colt: Unique HT (Dutch Dream x Governor).
Dam line Finnländerin, Ferna, Donnerhall.
Online Bidding
As of 3 July (dressage foals) at 10.00 am (CEST) bidding is open! The auction closes the same day at 08.00 pm (CEST, Amsterdam)
Before bidding you need to register (for free) on our website first. Detailed information of all foals including videos, pedigrees and veterinary report are published on www.grandprixsales.nl