Name: Donna Wetter 3
Breed: Hanoverian
Year of Birth: 2009
Sire: Dancier
Dam Sire: Wild Dance
Gender: Mare
Height: 171cms
Donna Wetter is an internationally competed small tour horse, schooling at Grand Prix level. She makes a fabulous schoolmaster.
She has much show experience and a great International and national show record with scores up to 70% in international small tour with an amateur rider.
She knows all the Grand Prix exercises: one tempi changes, piaffe - passage etc. She has competed up to Intermediate II nationally in Germany.
Donna is very safe and easy going mare, with willingness to work and an exceptional work ethic and temperament. Despite her age she has a lot more to give and plenty of energy in the tank while being extremely safe and easy to handle for an amateur or young rider who is also ambitious to compete successfully.
Donna is a very sound and reliable mare, she fights for her rider in the arena, and is easy to handle at the yard, easy with the farrier/ vet and is a super traveller. No vices.