Hans-Joachim Erbel Resigns at 2024 German Equestrian Federation Extraordinary Assembly

Thu, 07/11/2024 - 18:12
Sönke Lauterbach at the 2021 European Dressage Championships in Hagen :: Photo © Astrid Appels

Hans-Joachim Erbel has announced his resignation as the president of the German Equestrian Federation (FN) at an extraordinary assembly in Warendorf on 11 July 2024.  

Also treasurer Gerhard Ziegler has decided to step down.

Deficits in the Budget

The extraordinary assembly was held because the voting on the recent actions of the presidium and Board of Directors and the approval of the budget for 2024 was postponed at the Annual General Assembly meeting in Dresden at the start of May.

The board of the German NF was under fire recently for financial mismanagement with the head of financial director René Straten rolling first. He was fired effective immediately in April even though a second version is making the rounds that Straten had already resigned himself.

The deficit for 2023 (977,000 euro) was twice as high as originally planned. This also had an impact on the budget for 2024. As a result, an emergency budget for 2024 was presented at the meeting in Dresden and the vote on it was postponed.

An auditing firm (HLB Schumacher Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft from Münster) was hired to evaluate the budget and they considered "the FN's economic situation as tense, but not at risk. Neither over-indebtedness nor insolvency could be identified. However, the FN's financial situation, even if it is currently under control, remains challenging for the future. The deterioration of the economic situation is largely driven by a decrease in liquid assets. The auditors classified the consolidated budget planning as plausible."


The FN board of directors consists of 13 persons in total, all from different backgrounds (breeding, junior/young riders, sport, professionals, horse welfare, etc). They sit on the board on a voluntary basis with a president elected by the general assembly every four years. The president chairs the board and has power of appointment over the secretary-general, the finance director, as well as the sport and breeding director.

At today's extraordinary assembly a secret vote was held whether the executive committee and management should be held accountable for their past activities or not.

Dennis Peiler at the 2022 World Championships
President Hans-Joachim Erbel got 113 against - 72 in favour - 1 abstention,  secretary-general Sönke Lauterbach got 102 against him and 83 in favour), while treasurer Gerhard Ziegler got 121 against and 62 in favour.

The rest of the board received a vote of confidence with 187 votes in favour. Dennis Peiler (sport director) and Dr. Klaus Miesner (breeding director)  got 161 to 21 and 173 votes to 9 in favour and can continue unburdened.

A vote was also held for former managing director of HR and finance,  René Straten, who was not present at the extraordinary assembly. 154 voted to hold him accountable, 15 were in his favour, and 16 abstained.

According to Zuchterforum, Straten's vote came about because "the legal effects on ongoing legal proceedings in case he was not held accountable" were pointed out.

Erbel and Ziegler Resign

Klaus Miesner at the 2021 WCYH
Zuchterforum wrote that, "immediately after the vote, FN President Hans Joachim Erbel and Finance Curator Gerhard Ziegler announced that their terms of office would also end with the end of today's Association Council meeting."

Erbel stated, "I would have liked to continue to lead the association. But now the book is closed for me, I am resigning at the end of today."

Richenhagen Critiques

In an interview with Zuchterforum, former I-judge and former title sponsor of the FN with his company Fendt, Martin Richenhagen, spoke on what needs to dramatically change within the FN.

Martin Richenhagen
"Mr. Lauterbach definitely has to go. He has been completely overwhelmed by his task for years," said Richenhagen. "There is a need for optimisation. Costs and structures must be radically adjusted. Company cars, bonuses, organisational structure and also remuneration for the executive board need to be examined."

It is no secret that Martin Richenhagen is interested in taking up the job of president of the FN.

Photos © Astrid Appels

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