The Region 3 junior team and the Region 3/5 young riders team claimed the team gold medal at the 2024 North American Youth Championships in Traverse City, ILL, on 31 July - 4 August 2024.
Competition in the NAYC kicked off on 31 July 2024 with the Junior and U25 athletes completing their first tests for team and individual scores.
Juniors: Region 3
The team from Region 3 moved into a narrow lead after the first day, turning in four solid tests. Justine Boyer (Ocala, Fla.) and Campanero HGF, Alice Burley (Atlanta, Ga.) and S. Classic Conversion Cav-I, Alexis Troutman (Atlanta, Ga.) and Happy Feet, and Virginia Woodcock (Atlanta, Ga.) and Mollegardens Sans-Souci, finished the day with a collective score of 198.455, just a fraction of a point ahead of the combined team from Region 4, 5, and 7, which stands in second with a 198.060. Region 9 is also close behind in third position with a 197.302.
Woodcock is competing at NAYC for the second time with her own Mollegardens Sans-Souci (by Sir Donnerhall out of Sascha), a 2014 Danish Warmblood mare. The pair had the team’s top score in the first test with a 66.970%.
“It was just an incredible feeling,” she said. “I think everyone knows that horses are different every time you take them out and put their bridle on, and I just rode the horse I had today. She felt great and stayed with me as best she could.”
Fellow second-timer Boyer with Campanero HGF (by Camaron IX out of Quintera XII), a 2013 PRE stallion owned by Hampton Green Farm, was the final test of Wednesday’s junior section.
“I didn’t really mind going last today. I think it added a little pressure, and I like to compete under pressure,” she said. “I would always like to do well for the team, keeping in mind not to change anything and making sure that he’s with me all the time. I’ve been riding him since he was 7; he’s 11 now, and he’s super sweet.”
Troutman with Happy Feet (by Totilas out of De Lady K), a 2012 Dutch Warmblood mare owned by Alexis, Kevin, and Nina Troutman, and Burley with Classic Conversion Cav-I (by Converter out of Sweet Song), Grace Burley’s 2009 North American Warmblood mare, are both making their NAYC debut this year and contributed solid scores to the team effort.
“Happy Feet is 12 years old. I’ve had her about four years and we have a really good bond,” said Troutman. “Today, my test was the best test I could put out with what she gave me.”
Hailing from Region 6, Olivia Martz (Gig Harbor, Wash.) and Rihanna Ymas, a 2008 Brandenburger mare owned by Dressage4Kids, Inc., had the day's top individual score after a spectacular test that earned a 69.727% from the judges.
Young Riders: Region3/5
A combined team from USDF Regions 3 and 5 enjoyed a golden outing on Thursday on 1 August 2024. Three athletes based in the Southeast teamed up with one from the Southwest to earn their spot on the top of the podium.
“She feels great,” said Fuqua. “She’s 16, so she’s getting up there in age, but every time I go in the ring, she just feels more fresh and more eager to show.”
Fuqua earned the top individual score of the day and was one of only two competitors to break the 70% barrier, earning a 70.618%. While she came away with some things to improve upon heading into the individual test, she had nothing but praise for her horse.
“I thought my test overall was good,” said Fuqua. “I definitely think I could have ridden a lot better. Dreamgirl did everything I asked her to do and she was really on my aids, but I think maybe I got a little lazy in the first part of the canter tour. Just things to fix over the rest of the weekend, but overall I’m happy.”
Fuqua and teammate Alicia Berger (Wellington, Fla.) were both part of the U.S. Dressage Young Rider European Tour this summer, where they gained valuable experience competing among the world’s top dressage combinations. Alicia earned an impressive 69.853% with Aqua Marin (by Ampere x Stedinger), a 2011 Oldenberg gelding she co-owns with Marianne Berger.
Alicia’s sister, Allison, moved up from the junior ranks this year, giving the two a one-time opportunity to compete on an NAYC team together.
“It was super cool. We were lucky that [our rides] were far enough apart that we got to watch each other and cheer each other on,” said Alicia. “It’s so cool to get to be on a team together and share this experience in the arena. It’s the icing on the cake to get to finish it on top of the podium together.”
Allison competed on Alicia’s former Young Riders mount, Floriano HB (by Floriano x Rocket Star), a 2008 Westphalian gelding. She shared her sister’s enthusiasm for the team experience.
“It was so special to be able to compete with my sister in her last year of Young Riders and my first,” said Allison. “To me, it’s more than just competing at NAYC. It’s the countless hours we spend at the barn together and that we get to bond over something we both are truly passionate about.”
NAYC first-timer Jessica Nordqvist (Cave Creek, Ariz.) made the journey from the West Coast with First Date (by First Promise out of Die Belinda), a 2014 Oldenburg gelding owned by Paula Nelson. She came away from her team test with a positive experience and a strong score of 67.236%.
“This is my first time ever doing a team competition, so it’s really new to me,” said Nordqvist. “But everybody’s been so kind, introducing themselves without me having to go find them, sending me messages. I felt like that was just such an awesome experience.”
The team from Canada clinched silver by less than one point, and the combined team from USDF Regions 2, 4, and 8 took home bronze.
Related Link
Scores: 2024 North American Youth Championships