Belgian international Grand Prix rider Isabel Cool will be sidelined for several weeks following a neck injury that required her to be operated on.
Isabel Cool
The 39-year old Cool was member of the Belgian team at the 2018 World Equestrian Games in Tryon and 2019 European Championships with Aranco V. In 2022 she won the Belgian Small Tour Championships.
She is a professional dressage rider and trainer. Her current CDI Grand Prix horse is Herr Charmeur (by Charmeur x Alabastro), while she also competed Soulmate (by Surprice x Wolkentanz) at CDI small tour level.
"Felt a Crack"
In January 2024 she sustained an injury to her neck which she wasn't truly aware of.
"I was training a horse that was acting up a bit and felt my neck crack," Cool told Eurodressage. "I've been having neck pain ever since and went to the physiotherapist. It was always ok for six weeks. I never really had it examined because I just assumed I forced it a bit and it would blow over."
Unfortunately in May at the Belgian Championships, Isabel started showing signs of paralysis in her right arm and hand.
"I felt a tingling and a numb feeling. Also my coordination wasn't so good. It was super annoying at the time and it gradually got worse. I could barely ride," she explained. "I had an MRI done and got the diagnosis of a severely herniated disc between C5 and C6."
"The past month I couldn't sleep anymore. Of course I kept riding as it distracted me. I can't sit still," she said.
After contacting a specialist, a CT scan revealed that there was also calcification on the inside of her vertebra, which pinched a nerve. The disc had almost gone. The result was that she required surgery.
"I can't ride for five weeks," she said. "Fortunately I have a team at home I can rely on. Tom Francks, one of best friends and colleagues will come and ride my top horses a few times a week under my watchful eyes."
She concluded,"it's biting the bullet for a few weeks but then I'll be good as new."
Photos © Astrid Appels - private
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