Two changes have been made in the line-up of horses that will compete in the 2024 Nurnberger Burgpokal Finals in Frankfurt in two weeks. Schurmann will only ride one horse and La Belle Noire has been withdrawn.
Two Out
Charlott-Maria Schürmann told Eurodressage that she will only be riding one horse in Frankfurt of the two she qualified.
Schurmann first qualified Dante’s Pearl at the opening qualifier at Horses & Dreams in Hagen. The Swiss owned black mare by Dante Weltino x San Amour) scored a qualification score of 73.658%. Dante's Pearl is bred by Kerstin de Neui and sold as a youngster by Hof Kasselmann to Caroline Scheufele. Schürmann qualified a second horse for Frankfurt. She then qualified a second horse: Claude Niedner's 2024 World Young Horse Champion Life Time (by Livaldon x Furstenball)
"I ride only one horse," Schurmann told Eurodressage. "I haven't decided yet which horse I'll ride."
The winner of the Elmlohe qualifier, Juliane Brunkhorst on La Belle Noire, has also withdrawn. Brunkhorst and the Swiss bred mare (also by Dante Weltino and out of Furstenball dam) scored 73,000 %. The dark bay mare is bred by Alfred and Käthi Blunier and owned by Hendrik Lochthowe. Brunkhorst also qualified two horses for Frankfurt this year. She won the qualifier in Hagen with Janna Alpers' DSP bred Diamante Negro (by DeLorean x Furst Romancier).
"I’m a bit sad that I cannot show this beautiful “black pearl” at the finals, but we found a wonderful new home for her and I wish them the best of luck," Brunkhorst told Eurodressage.
Two Substitute
The two open slots will go to the highest scoring horses on the circuit, not already qualified.
This means that a spot opened up for Leslie Rohrbacher who rode Markus Winkler's Rhinelander stallion Ecco MW (by Escolar x Furstenball) to a 73.414% at the qualifier in Darmstadt. The bay is bred at gestut Hulsdau.
"I couldn't have asked for a better early Christmas present," said Leslie. "A great ending to a great season and another dream fulfilled by this amazing stallion. I'm looking forward to Frankfurt and no matter how it goes, I am grateful to be there."
The second spot has been allocated to Helen Langehanenberg aboard her home bred Westfalian Dreikäsehoch (by Dimaggio x Louis Le Bon). The pair finished second in Görlitz with 72.707%.
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Combinations Known for 2024 Nurnberger Burgpokal Finals