2024 Paris Olympic Dressage Team Ranking Altered - Belgium Drops to Tenth Place

Thu, 03/20/2025 - 09:52
With personal best scores from Domien Michiels (pictured) and Flore de Winne Team Belgium finished in a historic fifth place at the 2024 Paris Olympics :: Photo © Astrid Appels

Team Belgium has seemingly lost its historic fifth place in the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris following Domien Michiels' positive drug test on 3 August 2024.

The FEI has changed the 2024 Olympic team ranking for dressage in its results database. Neither the Belgian Equestrian Federation (KBRSF) nor the Belgian Olympic Committee (BOIC) have confirmed this changed ranking.

Prohibited Substance

On 22 January 2025  the International Testing Agency (ITA), which handles human doping affairs at the Olympics for the FEI, announced that Michiels has been disqualified from the team final for testing positive to dorzolamide, a prohibited substance listed under diuretics and masking agents on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) prohibited list.

Michiels was not subject to a mandatory provisional suspension since the prohibited substance detected in his sample was a specified substance. The case was not publicly reported pending the conclusion of its results management.

Eye Drops to Treat Dog

Over the course of the proceedings, Michiels was able to establish that dorzolamide entered his body inadvertently when he administered eye drops containing dorzolamide to his dog to treat the dog’s illness.

ITA stated that, "considering that dorzolamide did not enter the athlete’s system through topical ophthalmic route exclusively and in light of the principle of “strict liability”, the presence of dorzolamide in his sample constitutes an ADRV (anti-doping rule violation). The athlete was however able to establish that he bore “No Fault or Negligence” for the ADRV. "  

Disqualified But Team Result Stands?

Team Belgium jubilates in Paris
On 22 January 2025 ITA stated in its press release that the "only consequence of his ADRV under the IOC Anti-Doping Rules applicable to the Olympic Games Paris 2024 is the disqualification of the athlete’s individual competitive results at the Dressage Team Grand Prix event on 3 August 2024 at the Olympic Games Paris 2024. The results of the Belgium Team in the Dressage Team Grand Prix on 3 August 2024 are not to be disqualified."

On 24 January 2025 the news of the positive drug test broke internationally on Eurodressage and other media publications.  The same day the Belgian Equestrian Federation (KBRSF) issued a statement mentioning that "we are relieved that the team result of our Belgian team is maintained, which is an important recognition of the commitment and performance of the entire team."

The KBRSF therewith referred to Belgium's historic fifth team place, which the Belgian Olympic Committee (BOIC) celebrated last December by naming the dressage team the Belgian "Team of the Year 2024."

How Can a Team Result Stand with One Rider Disqualified? 

On 24 January 2025 Eurodressage contacted the FEI for a more detailed explanation how a team result can stand if one of three team members gets disqualified. The question was passed on to ITA.

Marta Nawrocka, Head of Communications at ITA, replied on 3 February 2025:

When it comes to disqualification of Team Results, the IOC Anti-Doping Rules refer to the rules of the relevant International Federation to determine the consequences on the team.

For its part, the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) Regulations for Equestrian Events at the Olympic Games carves out an “exceptional circumstances” exception for disqualification of team results. More particularly, the rules provide that if a member of a team is found to have committed a violation of the Human Anti-Doping Rules, the results in the Team Competition are disqualified, unless exceptional circumstances apply.

In this case, given the unique circumstances of the athlete’s anti-doping rule violation (i.e. inadvertent intake while providing medication to a dog, and the finding of “No Fault or Negligence”), the ITA considered that exceptional circumstances apply, and the results of the Belgium Team in the Dressage Team Grand Prix are not to be disqualified.

FEI Database Results Altered in January

The new team ranking in the FEI database
On 29 January 2025 British equestrian magazine Horse & Hound noticed hat the FEI database is showing the Belgian team as finishing last of the 10 teams in the final.

Horse & Hound's reporter Lucy Elder revisited the FEI rules as human doping rule violations are treated slightly differently to equine doping in the rules used for Paris 2024 and also noticed the "exceptional circumstances" line.

Elder concluded that "it would appear that there can be provision for a team’s placing to be unchanged. But given the inconsistency between the FEI’s records and the statements from the Belgian federations and the ITA, H&H has sought clarification from the FEI – which has directed the query to the ITA."

Elder told Eurodressage that ITA never responded to her query.

French Celebrate Fifth Place

On 18 March 2025 French equestrian publication Cheval Magazine brought the altered team ranking to the public eye.

The FEI never made an official statement that the 2024 Paris Olympic Team Results were altered. Insiders tell Eurodressage that the Belgian Equestrian Federation nor Belgian Olympic Committee were notified of these altered team results. 

French team anchor Pauline Basquin at the Olympics
Eurodressage contacted the KBRSF advisor Wendy Laeremans but received no reply.

The BOIC communications manager Matthias van Baelen, however, responded promptly and stated: 

"The IOC is the organization responsible for the results of the Olympic Games. Since we currently have not received any official communication from the IOC indicating that the team result is or would be deleted, there is currently no reason to adjust or delete this 5th place. So also on the BOIC website you can find the 5th place as a team result for the dressage team."

France Asks for Clarifications

On 20 March 2025 the French Equestrian Federation replied to questions from Eurodressage whether France lodged a complaint/enquiry about the initially seemingly unaltered team results. 

"The FFE didn't lodge a protest. The FFE asked (for) clarifications to the FEI in February about ITA decision consequences," said Quentin Simonet, FFE sports advisor, in lieu of Sports Director Sophie Dubourg. "The current ongoing situation is the follow-up of ITA decision and FEI implementation of this decision within Olympic Games Equestrian Sports regulatory framework. The FEI informed us that (the) IOC is still administrating the follow-up, so we do not consider it the role of a National Federation, especially as not directly concerned, to anticipate communication."

New Team Ranking According to the FEI

According to the FEI the new Paris Olympic team results are:

  • 1. Germany - 235.790
  • 2. Denmark -  235.669
  • 3. Great Britain - 232.492
  • 4. Netherlands -  221.048
  • 5  France -  215.289
  • 6. Sweden  212.811
  • 7. Finland -   212.036
  • 8. Austria -  211.505
  • 9. Australia -  207.203
  • 10  Belgium  - 143.328 

An FEI spokesperson told Eurodressage on 19 March 2025: "The amended results as they appear in the FEI database are final."

- Photos © Astrid Appels

Related Links
Domien Michiels Tested Positive to Prohibited Substance at 2024 Olympics - Settles With ITA/IOC
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