Hanoverian Auctions in Verden
Verden auction horses and their successes are constantly a reason to talk about. Here, you can see Donna Doria by Drosselklang II - Akzent I, born in 1991 (breeder: Albrecht Rendings, Syke) and her owner Mylene Diederichsmeyer, Berlin, winning their first advanced level competition during the last tournament season. The daughter of the famous manager of the Deutschlandhalle-Dallgow equestrian premises counts among the best young lady riders in Germany. Up to now, she already won more than DM 10,000 with her bay mare. Donna Doria participated at Verden auctions twice. For the first time as a youngster in the 1992 auction and the second time in the Equitop auction in November 1994, where she was sold for 20,000 DM.
Date: 5th - 6th May, 2000