The dark bay Hanoverian stallion by Lauries Crusador xx x Raphael became the dressage champion of the 2006 Hanoverian Stallion Licensing in Verden, Germany, on October 28, 2006.
Bred by the brothers Schmoldt from Oederquart and presented by dressage rider Hans-Peter Mohr, this dark bay stallion (stallion name: Lauda) dazzled the crowds and judges with his quality paces and correct conformation. The winner sold at auction for 230,000 euro to Gestut Sprehe.
The show jumping Licensing Champion was the Stakkato x Graf Grannus offspring, bred by Alfred Bronnenmann and presented by Antonius Schulze-Averdiek. This horse sold at auction for 65,000 euro to the Czech Republic.
The young stallion crop of 2004 was of decent quality but not as good as the collection of licensed stallions presented in Verden last year. 824 Hanoverian colts were presented at the pre-selection and 103 stallions participated in the 2006 Hanoverian Licensing. 65 of the got licensed, 38 did not get licensed.
Fifteen stallions were selected for the premium ring. The reserve champion was the bay stallion by Conteur out of SPS Windsbraut (by Weltmeyer). Bred by Achim Giesecke-Bulle and presented by Heinz Katt, this young stallion was purchased by Emma Hindle's Brookhouse Stud for 300,000 euro.
The runner-up became the bay Lauries Crusador xx x Cavalier son, bred and presented by Johann-Christian Eggers. He sold for 115,000 to the Landgestut Celle. Celle also purchased the premium stallion by Rotspon x Weltmeyer (140,000 euro), the lovely Sunlight xx x Wolkenstein II (47,000 euro) and the Belissimo M x Wendekreis colt (62,000 euro).
Besides the licensing champion, Gestut Sprehe also purchased the premium stallion by Londonderry x Argentinus for 120,000 euro.
Related Links
Florestan x Donnerhall Son, Price Highlight at the 2006 Hanoverian Stallion Licensing
Lauries Crusador xx, Hanoverian Stallion of the Year 2006
Generous Grading at the 2005 Hanoverian Stallion Licensing