EQ Musync, a software system which generates an objective analysis of the horse's movements to the music, can be the missing link in the judging of the freestyle to music. All too often judges are occupied with judging the technical aspects and choreography of a kur to music, and loose sight of the synchronization.
Riders who are "off the music" are not being downscored by the judges and those which have the skill and proficiency to ride exactly to the music are not getting rewarded for achieving this level of difficulty. EQM can change all this and make the judging of a freestyle more accurate as the decision between gold, silver and bronze is now decided by a fraction of a point.
"The judging of the freestyle is a very hard and complex thing which is often underestimated," said O-judge Ghislain Fouarge. "It is difficult to check how often a horse is synchronized with the music while judging the kur. I can imagine that EQM would contribute in a positive way to the judging. This program will surely fulfil the need to score more accurately. Also, it will be a very helpful tool in the education and training of the judges," Fouarge explained.
The EQM Team now offers a video presentation online and invites riders, trainers, coaches, judges, national and international federations and stakeholders in dressage, to have a closer look at it.
To gain access to the online video presentation, send an email to video@eqmusync.com and you will receive a personal username and password, which gives you FREE access to the presentation for 24 hours.
It's easy and you can choose your own time to watch it. "We invite viewers to send us questions and comments to info@eqmusync.com," said EQM-team member Cees Slings. "We will answer to you personally and we hope to improve our FAQ-list with everyone's input."
EQ-Musync is an 'all in one' software and hardware system that provides required information in REAL TIME during a 6-minute long dressage freestyle. EQM will generate a 100% objective analysis of the music used and a percentage of synchronisation between the music and the horse in all the performed gaits and transitions.
Judges will receive the EQM horse data analysis (HDA) and musical data analysis (MDA) reports immediately after the test, including the score in percentages. It will give them an exact idea of how synchronized a freestyle was. Judges can now concentrate more on the combination and assess a kur more accurately.
See the online EQM-video presentation by requestion a password at video@eqmusync.com
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