Fantastic entries have been received for all levels for the 2012 Dressage with Altitude CDI 3* & CDI-Y in Orange, Australia, with real depth seen in the Small Tour with doubling in entries from 2011. The 2012 CDI Orange will be the last opportunity for our Grand Prix riders to gain a
“Minimum Eligibility Score” for the London Olympic Games on home soil
before Olympic selection events in Europe.
The list of competitors is impressive with Heath and Rozzie Ryan, Matthew Dowsley and Rodney Martin, Maree Tomkinson, Tor Van Den Berge, Nadia Coghlan and up and coming stars David McKinnon, Alexis Hellyer and Elliot Patterson to name but a few. Local talent Megan Bryant will be contesting in the CDI-Y.
Support has been overwhelming from sponsors eager to be part of this unique Australian event staged at the world class indoor venue of Bradgate Park in Orange – home to Bradgate Park Performance Horses.
With a growing reputation of the world class facilities at Bradgate Park in Orange and of the relaxed yet high professionalism of the event, an impressive line up of international judges has been secured as Ground Jury with Axel Steiner 5* (USA), Elizabeth McMullen 5* (CAN), Mary Seefried 5* (AUS), Susie Hoevenaars 5* (AUS), Alison King 4* (HGK), Ricky MacMillan 4* (AUS) and Gisela Nilsson-Harding 3* (AUS) attending
The Grand Prix Freestyle CDI 3* event is the main attraction and will be held on Saturday evening, February 18, while the “Taste Dressage in Orange” Cocktail Party is in full swing. Tickets for this exciting evening are limited and bookings are essential.
For full information visit the event web sit www.centralwestdg.equestrian.org.au
Photos © Venhaus
Related Links
Scores 2011 CDI Orange
Australian Stars Gathered for Competition at 2012 CDI Boneo