The first 2013 USEF Developing Dressage Training Session wrapped-up April 3rd at Betsy Juliano's HavenSafe Farm South, as riders gained valuable insight from USEF Developing Dressage Coach Debbie McDonald.
On the first day of the two-day session, riders brought recent tests for review. The following day, combinations worked with McDonald to identify movements in the test that needed improvement or areas where greater points could be earned.
The six combinations who took part in the USEF Developing Dressage Training Session were:
Susie Dutta (Wellington, FL) and Tim Dutta Inc.’s Lumberjack
Shelly Francis (Loxahatchee, FL) and Patricia Stempel’s Danilo
Justin Hardin (Long Valley, NJ) and Judith Cardella’s Wyatt Star
Kimberly Herslow (Stockton, NJ) and Kiroli Enterprises LLC’s Rosmarin
Katie Robicheaux (Wellington, FL) and her own Avignon T
Caroline Roffman (Wellington, FL) and her own Her Highness O.
Dutta, Francis, Hardin, Herslow and Roffman will all represent the U.S. this week, April 11-14, at the Wellington Nations Cup CDIO3*.
“This was a fantastic group of a horses and riders that are all showing great potential. I am very excited about the combinations we have participating this year, it really makes my job enjoyable,” said McDonald. “Also, a special thank you to Betsy and everyone at Havensafe for letting us use this beautiful facility.”
The invitation-only training session is part of the revamped 2013 USEF Developing Dressage Program; riders were selected from a pool of applicants for 2013 Training Sessions and Grants. At these sessions McDonald is assisted by rider’s personal trainers along with a USEF Dressage Developing Program Selector.
The following individuals have been named as selectors by the USEF High Performance Dressage Committee:
Debbie McDonald, USEF Developing Coach
Jeremy Steinberg, USEF Youth Coach
Scott Hassler, USEF Young Horse Coach
Anne Gribbons
Lendon Gray
The program is made possible by generous gifts through the USET from Red Husky Foundation and Akiko Yamazaki. Future training session dates and locations will be announced at a later date, those wishing to be considered may submit an application here.
There will be two Developing Dressage Observation Sessions April 25-28, taking place at the CDI Del Mar National in Del Mar, CA and at the CDI Houston Dressage Society Spring Classic in Katy, TX. Further information on the observation sessions can be found here. Riders wishing to participate can contact Leah Oliveto at loliveto@usef.org.
Photo © Sue Stickle
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