USPRE Accepting Applications for Dressage Scholarships, Deadline 15 December 2013

Thu, 11/14/2013 - 10:46
USPREA Breeding News

The United States P.R.E.Association offers annual scholarships to dressage riders of PREs for continuing education. Applicants are selected by a member of the USPRE Advisory Board. Application deadline is 15 December 2013.

Applicants submit a cover letter and resume, copies of 2 tests completed by applicant with PRE Horse, and a show or schooling video. Note: Preferred media is a YouTube Video link.

Criteria for submission is as follows:

Junior/Young Rider: $1,500.00
Applicant must be 21 years of age or younger and riding a PRE horse.
The rider does not need to own a PRE horse.
The scholarship may be used only to educate the rider when riding the PRE horse, and may be applied to the fees and expenses incurred to that end.

Professional Rider: $2,000.00
Applicant must be over 21 years of age and competing a PRE horse.
The rider does not need to own a PRE horse, but it is very important the professional is teaching and riding the PRE horse and actively competing with it.
The scholarship can be used only for the training and education of the PRE horse, and may be applied to the fees and expenses incurred to that end.

Amateur Rider: $1,500.00
To apply the person has to be a registered Amateur rider with a valid USEF Amateur card.
The Amateur rider has to own the PRE horse and the scholarship may be used only to educate the rider when riding the PRE horse, and may be applied to the fees and expenses incurred to that end.

Photo © Sue Stickle

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