Performance Sales International, in short known P.S.I., stands for perfect service, well-thought out concepts and vision. Ulli Kasselmann and Paul Schockemöhle have been thinking about the future of equitation for decades, about modernity and further development. With that in mind, the 34th edition of the most exclusive riding horse auction in Europe will be held on 7 - 8 December 2013 in Ankum, Germany.
Ullrich Kasselmann derived his vision and the knowledge about dressage horses with a brilliant disposition for the piaffe from long years of experience, and he was completely right: There will be new dressage tests as of January 2014, and the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) decided on a coefficiency for the piaffe. This means that this exercise will be even more important for the overall result of a dressage test.
The ability and talent to piaffe, highlighted in the PSI dressage horse collections, have always been very important to Ullrich Kasselmann, and the latest development proved him right. The dressage horse collection of the 2013 P.S.I has been compiled in accordance with exactly these properties. Just take a look at the training video: Impressive performances of a number of auction candidates of the 34th P.S.I. collection are shown during training in hand.
Commitment beyond the auction day is a general trademark of the Performance Sales International. For example they sponsored and donated special P.S.I. Awards for horse owners at the 2013 European Show Jumping and Dressage Championships in Herning, Denmark, in August.
But the best reference for the high demands of the P.S.I. organizers is the auction itself: It stands for outstanding horses and outstanding service. There is an extensive vet documentation for each auction horse, a service that is highly appreciated by the customers. Furthermore, P.S.I. customers can rely on insurance cover for their newly purchased horse, based on the auction sales price and covering the first two weeks after the auction. This all-round carefree package is beyond comparison and hard to top.
The training and education offer of the Performance Sales International is also a specialty: All those who like can have his or her P.S.I. horse trained in the stable of Paul Schockemöhle or Ullrich Kasselmann or can rely on competent instructors. This ensures a continuous development of the horses, also under new riders. P.S.I. provides a well-composed concept and guarantees utmost safety and care for customers and horses of top quality.
The horses of the dressage and show jumping collection of the 34th P.S.I. Aucton have almost all been bred and raised in the stables of Paul Schockemöhle and Ullrich Kasselmann, which is of tremendous advantage as it guarantees customer advice and assistance at a very high level. The P.S.I. team of the two organizers know each horse inside out. The whole collection is presented online at www.psi-auktion.de including pedigree, video clip and the names of the POC’s. This is how service has to be.
For more information about the collection, the persons of contact and service, please click on www.psi-auktion.de.