The first USEF/USET Foundation Dressage Pipeline Clinic wrapped up 29 January 2014 following two successful days of lessons with USEF Dressage Coaches and informative educational sessions. Thirteen of the United States’ most promising up-and-coming combinations took part in the inaugural clinic which was held in Wellington, FL.
“Our first annual USEF/USET Dressage Pipeline Clinic was a huge success. The riders were extremely positive and fabulous to work with,” said USEF Chef d’Equipe/Technical Advisor Robert Dover. “It could not have been done without the help, support, knowledge, and passion of our USOC and USEF staff and supporters including Betsy Juliano and the whole Global Dressage Festival team. I am positive that our shared commitment can and will bring the United States not only back to the podiums, but to that highest one where Gold resides.”
Dover was joined by fellow USEF Dressage Coaches; Debbie McDonald, USEF Developing Coach; Scott Hassler, USEF Young Horse Coach; and Jeremy Steinberg, USEF Youth Coach, to provide insight over the two-day clinic. Coaches worked in pairs with riders from their respective programs demonstrating the harmony and cohesive nature of the entire U.S. program.
The scope of the USEF/USET Foundation Dressage Pipeline Clinic stretched beyond the arena with sessions that encompassed all aspects of the sport. Each day began with strength and conditioning sessions with USOC Strength and Conditioning Coach, Brandon Siakel, while Lindsay Thornton, USOC Sports Psychologist, gave a presentation to riders on day one and met privately with each rider on day two. The first day of the clinic came to a conclusion with a dinner that included a panel discussion with Betsy Juliano, Beth Meyer, and Jennifer Wood, who reviewed sponsor, owner, and media relations, respectively.
“The clinic was a huge success thanks to the generous support of Betsy Juliano. The whole experience was enjoyed by all involved and everyone came away better horsemen and women. Bringing all the USEF coaches together in order to show the progression of the pipeline we are all working to create worked amazingly well,” said Steinberg. “Beth, Jennifer, and Betsy all gave a very moving and poignant talk to the riders and coaches which was incredibly well received.”
The following 13 athlete/horse combinations participated in the two-day training session:
Kaitlin Blythe with her own and Thomas Blythe's Daverden
Rachel Chowanec with Lendon Gray's Embrujado XI
Bebe Davis with Michael Davis' Rotano
Catherine Haddad-Staller with her own Montrachet
Kim Herslow with Kiroli Enterprises, LLC's Rosmarin
Matt Johnson with his own Petersborg's Qasanova
Anna Marek with AJ Stapleton's Elian
Silva Martin with the Rosa Cha W Syndicate's Rosa Cha W
Cesar Parra with Michael and Sarah Davis' Van the Man
Katie Riley with Martin Sosnoff and Cesar Parra's Fashion Designer OLD
Caroline Roffman with her own Her Highness O
Katrina Sadis with Dressage4Kids Inc.’s Poldy 10
Lauren Sammis with Hope Greenfield's Lombard V
“It was a great opportunity for all the athletes to experience training with our USEF coaches as well as with experienced professional Olympic fitness and sports psychology trainers,” said Herslow. “We all gained knowledge and tools to greatly assist as us we head into upcoming shows.”
A second USEF/USET Foundation Dressage Pipeline Clinic will be held in the fall of 2014 on the West Coast.
Photo © Phelpsphotos.com
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