The Thinline Dressage with Altitude International Organising Committee are excited to announce that once again a quality field of entries has been received for this unique European style CDI 3* boutique event at Bradgate Park, Orange in Australia on 13 - 16 February 2014.
Top Grand Prix combinations include Rozzie Ryan (GV Bullwinkle), Heath (Regardez Moi and son Utopian Cardinal), Caroline Wagner (Tango V), Sue Hearn (Remmington), Kerry Mack (Mayfield Pzazz) and crowd pleaser Jeremy Janjic (Django of Cacharel). It is exciting to welcome newcomers to the Grand Prix level including Brett Parbery on DP Weltmieser and Tor Van den Berge aboard the imported stallion Lauries AS. The Prix St George field is strong with 2013 Australian PSG Champion Janina Kletke (Bluefields Floreno) being one of the hot favourites.
Young Riders are set to impress with entrants in the CDI-Under 25 including Alexis Hellyer on the ever improving Waca W and local rider Megan Bryant on the wonderful Northern Xanthus III. Another to watch in the CDI-Y is Victoria Stuckey and Mayfield Be Brave.
In addition to outstanding competition an all new trade village will exist for those wishing to do some serious shopping at the event.
DWA has become renowned for presenting a social side to the event and 2014 will not disappoint those attending.
Friday night not to be missed: with ‘Connect to Dressage’ an hour with 3 of Australia’s most highly regarded dressage competitors and trainers; Brett Parbery, Tor Van den Berge and David Shoobridge. This will be followed by the greatly anticipated 2014 DWA Canine Calcutta Fundraiser. The incomparable Heath Ryan will be the guest auctioneer for the evening with 25% of proceeds being donated towards the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
Tickets to the Saturday evening’s “Taste International Dressage in Orange Party” with Wine and Gourmet Hamper” during the Grand Prix Freestyle competitions are now available at the event web site www.centralwestdg.equestrian.org.au The event will run in conjunction with Taste Orange’s Banjo Paterson 150 year celebrations and the Saturday night entertainment will revolve around this theme and promises to be highly entertaining.
With strong support from Equestrian Australia, Equestrian NSW, Orange City Council and our many other sponsors and supporters, Dressage with Altitude CDI continues to be recognised as a “Tour de Force” in the Australian Dressage scene offering opportunity to the sport’s elite riders and encouraging emerging talent.
For further information on the event contact:
- Cathie Drury-Klein p. 0417 224 432 - cathiedk@bigpond.com
- Sue Scaysbrook p. 0418 174 558 - suescaysbrook@bigpond.com
Join us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/dressage.with.altitude
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