A few days after the announcement of the French Grand Prix A-team for 2017, the French Equestrian Federation also released the names of the horses who have been marked as "potentials" for A-team submission.
The French Federation does not use the traditional A and B-squads denomination, but refers to the elite group of Grand Prix horses as the JO/JEM groups, signifying horses with potential for the Olympic Games/World Equestrian Games.
The owners of the JO/JEM listed horses get extra support from the federation for the training and competing of their horses by France's elite Grand Prix riders.
The Technical Dressage staff of the FFE has now also marked the horses that are potential candidates for JO/JEM squad submission. They are:
- Blacktime, owned and ridden by Maéva Hoang
- Casanova S, owned by Ludovic & Giorgia Henry, ridden by Ludovic Henry
- Dirbini, owned and ridden by Barbara Clément-Klinger
- Gracieux VH Lindenhof, owned by Caroline Orebi, ridden by Perrine Carlier
- Liaison*ENE-HN, owned by l’IFCE, ridden by Pauline Vanlandeghem
- Lovesong, owned by Marie-Christine Pointier, ridden by Jean-Philippe Siat
- Rock’n Roll Star, owned by Scea Limousin, ridden by Philippe Limousin
- Soliman de Hus, owned by Famille Dallara, ridden by Marc Boblet
- Star Wars, owned and ridden by Bertrand Liegard
- Vistoso de Massa, owned by Sylvain Massa, ridden by Anne-Sophie Serre
Photo © Astrid Appels
Related Links
French Grand Prix A-team for 2017 Announced
French Grand Prix Squad Riders Invited to Team Training Seminar in Le Mans