German Grand Prix team rider Helen Langehanenberg has received the ride on the 4-year old Oldenburg bred Bundeschampion mare Candy OLD. This year Eva Möller will assist Helen in the training as Langehanenberg is pregnant with her second child.
Bred by Paul Wendeln, Candy is by Sir Donnerhall I x Furst Heinrich. She achieved a record score in the mare performance test and became the winner of the 2016 Oldenburg Elite Mare Show in Rastede. She also won the regional and national young horse championship that year under Herman Gerdes. The pair went on to reclaim the Bundeschampion title in 2017.
To prepare the mare for the upper level classes, the Wendeln family decided to put the mare in training with Helen Langehanenberg.
“Candy is a model horse, who everyone wishes for. She is incredibly easy, has three terrific basic gaits, learns extremely fast and always wants to do everything right“, Helen Langehanenberg explains happily.
at the 2017 Bundeschampionate
“An ideal solution, because Candy is supposed to compete in the upcoming season," said Peter Wendeln.
“I’m sure that Eva will fancy her as much as I do," Helen added. "As soon as I can start training again after birth, she will have to bring Candy back to me - as sorry as I am for Eva."
Photo © Tanja Becker - LL-foto.de
Related Links
Candy, Champion of the 2016 Oldenburg Elite Mare Show in Rastede
Scores: 2017 Bundeschampionate
Scores: 2016 Bundeschampionate