It might be a bit unexpected within the concept of this site, but we’d like to engage in the conversation with those of you who are interested in the equestrian market in terms of selling horse tack and riders’ equipment. Colleagues, we’ve got something interesting for you!
Everyone knows that in recent years the global market of horse tack has been changing continuously - the share of online sales is growing, and in some countries it has already exceeded the share of sales in physical stores. Along with expansion of their customer base, online equestrian shops face growing competition and new challenges. Internet marketing is becoming more complicated and sophisticated, and customers’ expectations for e-commerce platforms are growing. As a result, more and more equestrian shops understand the need to be adequately represented on the Internet, but the cost of such representation is growing. At the same time, the use of low-quality or obsolete technologies means an inevitable loss to competitors.
Online Equestrian Shops. Do They Work?
We have encountered a similar problem while developing our equestrian shop. One might wonder - what could be easier than selling on the Internet these days? Hundreds of free platforms, just as many offer inexpensive monthly subscription - pick, tune up, and work. You wish! In the real world, it’s much more complicated than that. The difference between a store and a “selling” store is enormous. Platforms are universal, the set of basic marketing tools in them is primitive, whereas the sale of each group of goods has its own specifics.
But that’s just the beginning of the way. Your further concerns would be focused on SEO, SMM, email marketing, sales tunnels, remarketing and conversion - all those new smart words that cost you even more money. You think it could be a good idea to outsource? Sure, why not! The selection of such offers is quite impressive nowadays. There’s just a tiny issue: a fairly good internet marketing agency will charge you at least a four-figure amount monthly (make it five-figure if the agency is high-profile), and you would have to explain to them the difference between reins and chaps.
And then we thought - it’s 2018 out there! Wouldn’t it be great if someone developed a single high-quality platform and let others use it? Why not use the practice that has proven effective in other spheres? Such Software as a Service, where everything would be tailored for equestrian shops and would run like clockwork, and you’d just use it under certain conditions and wouldn’t worry about anything else. That’s how we created horsense.shop, and as we were working on making it global, we started to address several more issues at hand - how to increase the assortment without buying anything, and how to sell what lies around unsold. We could write another article about this, but we don’t want to bore you any more than we already have, so let’s just leave it for some other time.
Being a new and one-of-a-kind product on the equestrian market, horsense.shop opens new possibilities of Internet-based sales for equestrian shops that are members of our program. We’ve created an e-commerce platform specifically for horse tack. A platform that is continuously improving and integrating its participants into a unique global network. A platform that combines the latest web development and modern marketing tools. And which any store can use.
Become Part of the Horsense Platform
Who could be interested in cooperating with us? First of all, the existing equestrian shops that would like to follow global trends and, consequently, significantly increase their sales. Cooperation with us could be also interesting to those who are only planning their entry into the market of horse tack. Apart from that, our product could be an alternative to creating your own complex and expensive IT product, and it would be our responsibility to guarantee its smooth operation and constant improvement in tune with the times.
What do we offer?
You can rent a modern e-platform with excellent functionality, developed specifically for selling equestrian equipment, get free services for its customization and technical support, and an advantageous loyalty program for customers. In addition to our partnership program, we offer a well-thought-out advertising strategy in social networks and search engines, full or partial administration of the online shop and participation in the global network. Having a partner in each country, we get a network of e-shops that do not just use a modern platform for selling their horse tack products, but also cooperate with each other.
You can find more information about the project on http://global.horsense.shop.
If you’d like to discuss it further - please send your emails to global@horsense.shop.
HorSense.shop is an international franchise of horse tack e-commerce platform and digital marketing services.