FEI Dressage Horse for Sale: Golias do Penedo

Fri, 08/09/2024 - 15:09
Horse for Sale
Golias do Penedo

Name: Golias do Penedo
Breed: Lusitano (PSL)
Date of Birth: 6 May 2011
Sire: Idolo Mac
Dam Sire: Invulgar
Gender: Stallion
Height: 16h
Price category: €200,000 - €300,000

Golias do Penedo is a fabulous 2011 Lusitano Grand Prix stallion with 20 + victories and places at National and High Profile shows since he stepped up to Grand Prix level in 2023.

He's consistently scored between 65% and 69% in both Grand Prix and GPS tests with room for improvement. He also came 1st and 2nd at MCI European Championship.

Golias do Penedo
His outstanding work ethic and lovely personality make him a serious horse for any rider from professional to amateur and younger riders (he would be a fantastic schoolmaster).

Standing at 16h, Golias displays 3 powerful paces, great balance and quality for collection. He's a comfortable and forward ride.

Golias is easy going, safe and sensible, ridden in snaffle and double bridle. He loves his work, enjoys going to shows, hacking and time in the fields. He's easy to manage and not hot with mares.

Born at Alberto Resina stud (Portugal) and out of famous stallion Idolo Mac, Golias is approved for breeding in the Lusitano Studbook (APSL, 71%) and in CDF Studbook. He has a small progeny showing beautiful frames and great paces as well as easy going personalities.

Golias do Penedo
Golias was bought as a 4 years old by his current owner, he has been carefully produced through the levels and well looked after with high level in mind.

Health check and X-rays available.

Can be viewed in France, between Lyon and St Etienne.

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