2004 CDI Pompadour - 23 - 25 July 2004

Prix St Georges
- 1. Philippe Maynier - Nashville - 68.60% (France)
- 2. Joyce Lenaerts - Newman - 67.8% (Holland)
- 3. Joyce Lenaerts - Katell - 67.10% (Holland)
- 4. Jean Philippe Siat - Greystroke - 67.05% (France)
- 5. Guillome Ducos - Prince - 66.35 (Belgium)
- 5. Marcel Sterrenburg - Maiko - 66.35% (Holland)
- 7. Ludovic Henry - Saint emilion - 66.00% (France)
- 8. Jean Noel Muchalysin - Howald des Cloets - 65.60% (France)
- 9. Stephanie Collier - Royal Dancer - 65.45% (France)
- 10. Dominique Brieussel - Bugatti - 65.40% (France)
- 10. Jodie Lister - Nicky - 65.40% (England)
- 12. Sege Balbin - Tonfils Darco - 65.35% (France)
- 13. Philippe Celerier - Frou Frou - 64.90% (France)
- 14. Helen Wielockx - Mister Ed - 64.65% (Belgium)
- 15. Danielle Keur - Le Penotti Primo S - 64.55% (Holland)
- 16. Bertille Pelardy - Pik Noir - 64.50% (France)
- 17. Florent Scalliet - Furie - 63.20% (France)
- 18. Catherine Durand - Poejo - 63.05% (France)
- 19. Marc Boblet - Olivier - 62.80% (France)
- 20. Danielle Keur - Lady - 62.65% (France)
- 21. Pascale Massot Dandoy - Cirfeso - 62.45% (France)
- 22. Jose Raga Perales - Mistique - 62.25% (Spain)
- 23. Bertrand Lebarbier - Goldwin - 61.85% (France)
- 24. Ona Dewaegenaere - Mircodion - 61.85% (Belgium)
- 25. Patricia Sarasin - Frangipani - 61.75% (Switzerland)
- 26. Kay Maxted - Ganimedes - 61.50% (England)
- 27. Nicole Favereau - Ilaibo - 61.10% (France)
- 28. Philippe Celerier - Hard Rock Astola - 61.05% (France)
- 29. Francoise Hologne Joux - Born - 60.70% (Belgium)
- 29. Rafael Murga Lopez - Palisander - 60.70% (Spain)
- 31. Steohane Mazzaco - Alex - 59.05% (France)
- 32. Patricia Sarasin - Rocket Man - 57.20% (Switzerland)
- 33. Anatoly Botcharov - Leon - 59.00% (Ukraine)
Intermediaire I
- 1. Philippe Maynier - Nashville - 68.90% (France)
- 2. Joyce Lenaerts - Katell - 67.25% (Holland)
- 3. Jean Noel Muchalysin - Howald - 66.95% (France)
- 4. Dominique Brieussel - Bugatti - 66.65% (France)
- 5. Jodie Lister - Nicky - 66.25% (England)
- 6. Marcel Sterrenburg - Maiko - 65.00% (Holland)
- 7. Guillaume Ducos - Prince - 64.40% (Belgium)
- 8. Philippe Celerier - Frou Frou - 63.65% (France)
- 9. Helen Wielockx - Mister Ed - 63.55% (Belgium)
- 10. Serge Balbin - Tonfils Darco - 63.40% (France)
- 11. Danielle Keur - Primo S - 63.20% (Holland)
- 12. Bertrand Lebarbier - Goldwin - 63.05% (France)
- 13. Stephanie Collier - Royal Dancer - 62.95% (France)
- 14. Bertille Pelardy - Pik Noir 62.70% (France)
- 15. Ludovic Henry - Saint Emilion - 62.00% (France)
- 16. Pascale Massot - Cirfeso - 61.70% (France)
- 17. Catherine Durand - ¨Poejo - 61.65% (France)
- 18. Joyce Lenaerts - Newman - 61.60% (Holland)
- 19. Ona Dewaegenaere - Mircodion - 61.50% (Belgium)
- 20. Jose Raga Perales - Mistique - 61.00%
- 21. Danielle Keur - Lady - 60.95% §Holland)
- 22. Marc Boblet - Olivier - 59.40% (France)
- 23. Florent Scalliet - Furie - 59.15% (France)
- 24. Rafael Murga Lopez - Palisander - 57.95% (Spain)
- 25. Stephane Mazzaco - Alex - 57.85% (France)
- 26. Patricia Sarasin - Rocket Man - 57.40% (Switzerland)
- 27. Francoise Hologne Joux - Born - 57.10% (Belgium)
- 28. Patricia Sarasin - Frangipani - 55.50% (Switzerland)
- 29. Nicole Favereau - Ilaibo - 54.85% (France)
- 30. Anatoly Botcharov - Leon - 52.75% (Ukraine)
Intermediaire I Kur to Music
- 1. Philippe Maynier - Nashville - 71.417% (France)
- 2. Joyce Lenaerts - Katell - 70.458% (Holland)
- 3. Jean Noel Muchalysin - Howald - 68.708%
- 4. Jean Philippe Siat - Greystroke - 67.208%
- 5. Marcel Sterrenburg - Maiko - 67.083% (Holland)
- 6. Jodie Lister - Nicky - 67.042% (England)
- 7. Guillaume Ducos - Prince - 66.125% (Belgium)
- 8. Philippe Celerier - Frou Frou - 66.00% (France)
- 9. Dominique Brieussel - Bugatti - 64.375% (France)
- 10. Stephanie Collier - Royal Dancer - 64.333% (France)
- 11. Serge Balbin - Tonfils Darco - 64.250% (France)
- 12. Helen Wielockx - Mister Ed - 60.125% (Belgium)
Intermediaire II
- 1. Catherine Durand Henriquet - Carinho - 64.683% (France)
- 2. Mieke Lunskens - Jade - 64.341% (Belgium)
- 3. Odile van Doorn - Parodie - 64.146% (France)
- 4. Patricia Sarasin - Garofano - 63.805% (Switzerland)
- 5. Constance Laboute - Lianca - 63.707% (France)
- 6. Borja Carrascosa Martinez - Remigius - 62.537% (Spain)
- 7. Fabien Godelle - Belfort - 62.39% (France)
- 8. Beatrice Fusier - German Classic - 62.146% (France)
- 9. Fabien Godelle - Donatello - 62.049% (France)
- 10. Serge Pais - Wakan - 61.366% (Belgium)
- 11. Joyce Lenaerts - Heracles - 60.732% (Holland)
- 12. Anatoly Botcharov - Versal - 60.244%¨( Ukraine)
- 13. Kay Maxted - Trapini - 60.195% (England)
- 14. Thibault Cambourieu - Joery - 60.049% (France)
- 15. Nicole Favereau - Birdy Dubois - 59.317% (France)
- 16. Marie Emilie Bretenoux - Fanthomas - 59.268% (France)
- 17. Dominique Mohimont - Be a Winner - 58.878% (Belgium)
- 18. Pascale Thomas - Gauagin - 57.854% (France)
- 19. Sylvia Poulain - Adenauer - 57.561% (France)
- 20. Frederic Ducrot - Faraon - 56.829% (France)
- 21. Anatoly Botcharov - Fixag - 52.878% (Ukraine)
Grand Prix
- 1. Mieke Lunskens - Jade - 67.583% (Belgium)
- 2. Odile van Doorn - Parodie - 65.875% (France)
- 3. Catherine Durand Henriquet - Carinho - 65.292% (France)
- 4. Borja Carrascosa Martinez - Remigius - 63.708% (Spainà)
- 5. Constance Laboute - Lianca - 63.292% (France)
- 6. Fabien Godelle - Donatello 61.792% (France)
- 7. Sylvie Poulain - Adenauer - 61.583% (France)
- 8. Serge Pais - Wakan - 61.167% (Belgium)
- 9. Nicole Favereau - Birdy Dubois - 60.083% (France)
- 10. Patricia Sarasin - Garofano - 59.958% (Switzerland)
- 11. Joyce Lenaerts - Heracles - 59.875% (Holland)
- 12. Fabien Godelle - Belfort - 59.708% (France)
- 13. Dominiqye Mohimont - Be a Winner - 59.333% (Belgium)
- 14. Kay Maxted - Trapini - 58.917% (England)
- 15. Beatrice Fusier - German Classic - 58.625% (France)
- 16. Pascale Thomas - Gauguin - 58.417% (France)
- 17. Anatoly Botcharov - Fixag - 57.792% (Ukraine)
- 18. Thibault Bambourieu - Joery - 57.75% (France)
- 19. Marie Emilie Bretenoux - Fanthomas - 56.417% (France)
- 20. Frederic Ducrot - Faraon - 55.042% (France)
- 21. Anatoly Botcharov - Versal - RET