The stallion licensing in Herning is the biggest of its kind in Europe. This year Danish Warmblood had 39,139 visitors during the days of 10th-13th March and never before has so many American horse friends found their way to enjoy the great horse event in Herning.
The main attraction is the licensing of the stallions, but also the championships for 5 year old dressage and jumping horses along with two spectacular gala evening shows as well as the yearly auction attracted many visitors.
According to Danish Warmblood’s breeding consultant Karina Christiansen the Grading Committee has witnessed an improvement of quality among the newly licensed colts, not only among the champions but also on a wider scale. Not least the type has been improved and stallions now appear to be both refined, large-framed and more ground-covering.
The auction on Saturday afternoon broke earlier price records and 12 horses were actually sold for the total amount of 241,691.22 euro. Most expensive horse was sold for 360,000 dkk (48,341 euro).
A new price at the Danish Warmblood stallion licensing is the Princess Benedikte’s Trophy which is a highly elegant horse statuette in silver, awarded to a Danish bred stallion who himself has, or whose offspring have, achieved remarkable sports result within the recent year. This trophy was handed over at the gala show on Saturday evening to the popular dressage stallion Midt-West Ibi-Light who was at the same occasion being showed in grand prix dressage and celebrating his 20th birthday that very same day.
Press release from Dansk Varmblod, translated by Thomas Bach Jensen
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