The Dressage Foundation announced the inaugural recipient of its Elysium Farm Fund for U.S. Breeder Excellence grant. Laurie Weiser
was awarded $2,860 to attend the Hannoveraner Verband Breeder's Course in Verden, Germany.
The Elysium Farm Fund for U.S. Breeder Excellence, established at The Dressage Foundation in 2011 by Abbey Henderson, provides financial assistance to breeders to pursue educational opportunities related to breeding that will advance their careers, promote sound breeding practices and further enhance the quality of U.S.-bred dressage horses.
Laurie's goal in attending the Breeder's Course is to further her knowledge and education to improve upon her small breeding program. "I desire to one day be able to 'think' like successful breeders such as Axel Wendeler or Harli think in generations, to have a solid understanding of the history of blood lines and to critically assess a mare and stallion pairing. The educational courses I have attended, and additional courses in the future, are geared towards developing and improving these skills," said Laurie, who owns Blume Farm Hanoverians (NC).
Blume Farm Hanoverians, located in Pittsboro, North Carolina, began in 2000 when Laurie purchased her foundation mare, St.Pr.A/Elite Mare Dorfblume. Laurie's long-term goal with her program is to consistently produce dressage horses that have the bloodlines, gaits, and confirmation suitable for competitive adult amateur riders.
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Applications for Elysium Farm Fund for U.S. Breeder Excellence Accepted