At the beginning of the year, the British Dressage Judges Committee clarified the required criteria to become a Trainee Judge and to upgrade within the BD accreditation system.
As previously stated this was done in order to provide clear and consistent criteria that could be applied across the board to those wanting to join and progress through the judges lists. The changes also allow the Office to deal with and process the applications in a much more efficient way. The result of these changes has led to an increase in applications.
Over the last 12 months, the Judges Committee has listened to views expressed in members meetings and taken account of a BD survey which showed that over 80% of members thought judges should have competed in dressage competitions and 57% that they should have competed at the level at which they wanted to judge.
Following this feedback, work has focussed on developing a system that will provide knowledgeable, impartial and dedicated judges that our members deserve whilst also being fair and inclusive of existing Judges who do not necessarily meet the clarified criteria. The Committee are now pleased to announce that there will be an alternate route available from 1st January 2014 that will offer more Judges the opportunity to upgrade from their current list.
Using the alternate route, existing listed Judges regardless of riding experience will be able to progress up through the lists to List 3A. Those with medium results will be able to progress up through the lists to List 2 and those with advanced medium results will be able to progress up to List 2A.
Where Judges have the required results or pupils results they will use the standards route as before then be able to use the alternate route to the specified limits. The fast track system remains the same.
The emphasis of the alternate route will be to include gaining experience from attending rider training sessions / clinics (on horse or foot) and also attending extra training that will allow extra support and feedback to be given during the upgrade process giving the best possible chance to achieving a successful outcome.
In addition to the standard route the extra requirements will consist of:
• The Candidate needs to attend both days of the Two Day Principle Course
• Attend 6 rider sessions/clinics taken by an approved Trainer/Coach
• Attend 2 extra judge training sessions at the level to be tested
• Attend and pass a Mock Exam or judging assessment.
Photo © Astrid Appels
Related Links
New Clearer and Simpler Process for British Judges Announced
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