The 5-year old Rock Springs and the 6-year old First Comfort were the high scoring horses in the L and M-level dressage horse tests at the regional show at St. Hubertus riding club in Bremen, Germany, on 16 June 2017. The classes counted as a qualifier for the 2017 Bundeschampionate in Warendorf in September.
In the 5-year old age category Janina Tietze rode the Celle state stud owner Rock Springs, a Westfalian stallion by Rock Forever x Fidertanz, to victor with an 8.3 total. The bay earned 9 for trot, 7.5 for walk, 8.5 for canter, 8 for submission and 8.5 for general impression. Katalin Garrn and the Hanoverian mare Christkind (by Christ x Wanderbusch II) were second with 8.2. The bay mare got 8.5 for trot, 8 for walk, canter and submission and 8.5 for general impression.
Jantje Gerdes-Fürup and Magnus Beeken's Oldenburg gelding First Comfort (by Furstenball x Inselfurst) scored the trophy in the 6-year old division with a 7.6 total. The grey gelding got 8.5 for walk, 7 for trot, and 7.5 for canter, submission and general impression. Christina Ellendt and the Trakehner gelding Hirtenglanz (by All Inclusive x Lord Luciano) tied in second place with Lena Bammel and Burkhard Wahler's Hanoverian stallion Flanell (by Fidertanz x De Niro) on a score of 7.5. Hirtenglanz got 8 for walk, 7.5 for trot and canter, 7 for submission and 7.5 for general impression. Flanell earned 7.5 for walk and canter, 8.5 for trot, and 7 for submission and general impression.
Results - 2017 Bundeschampionate Qualifier - Bremen
5-year olds
- 1. Rock Springs (by Rock Forever x Fidertanz) - Tietze,Janina - 8.30
- 2. Christkind (by Christ x Wanderbursch II) - Garrn,Katalin - 8.20
- 3. Bourani R (by Bordeaux x Quattro B) - Steinhof,Veronika - 8.00
- 3. Rock Emotion (by Rock Forever x Don Gregory) - Hilger,Christin - 8.00
- 5. Quinada (by Quasar de Charry x His Highness) - Kubelke,Jörn - 7.70
- 5. Raffaillac (by Rienzi x Belissimo M) - Kuhls,Ariane - 7.70
- 7. Cataleya (by Chinook x Riccione) - Deitert,Nicole - 7.50
- 7. Don Romanov (by Don Schufro x Romanov) - Witte,Wolfhard - 7.50
- 7. Thuenenhofs Quenzo (by Quando-Quando x Sandro Hit) - Janßen,Tassja - 7.50
- 10. Titolas (by Totilas x Stedinger) - rohn,Susanne - 7.40
- 10. Sabatier MN (by Sandro Hit x Romancier) - Taylor,David - 7.40
- 12. Felix (by Foundation x Weltmeyer) - Bolte,Julia - 7.30
- 12. Levantino (by Fürst Romancier x Royal Diamond) - Platen,Maxi Kira von - 7.30
- 14. Fräulein Uschi (by Floriscount x Rohdiamant) - Becker,Anna-Marie - 7.20
- 15. Bugatti 4 (by Bretton Woods x Rubin-Royal) - Gießelmann,Jan-Dirk - 7.10
- 16. Take Off (by Millennium x Exclusiv) - Vogel,Meike - 6.80
6-year olds
- 1. First Comfort (by Fürstenball x Inselfuerst) - Gerdes-Fürup,Jantje - 7.60
- 2. Hirtenglanz (by All Inclusive x Lord Luciano) - Ellendt,Christina - 7.50
- 2. Flanell (by Fidertanz x De Niro) - Bammel,Lena - 7.50
- 4. Fragrance (by Fahrenheit x Conteur) - Hilger,Christin - 7.40
- 5. Frings (by Floriscount x Wolkenstein II) - Kubelke,Jörn - 7.10
Related Link
Eurodressage Coverage of the 2017 Bundeschampionate