Blue Hors and Lovsta Stuteri to Collaborate

Tue, 01/29/2019 - 16:15
Danish Warmblood
Blue Hors Farrell flanked by Florian Darcourt from Lövsta Stuteri, Esben Møller, Blue Hors stud director and  Malin Cohlin, Lovsta station manager
Blue Hors Farrell flanked by Florian Darcourt from Lövsta Stuteri, Esben Møller, Blue Hors stud director and Malin Cohlin, Lovsta station manager

The Danish dressage stallion station Blue Hors Stud and the Swedish dressage stallion station Lovsta Stuteri have struck a collaboration.

Lovsta stuteri will become the Swedish distributor of the Blue Hors stallions. This means that a selection of Blue Hors stallions will be presented at the stallion show in Helsingborg, Sweden, on 31 March 2019. 

"It is important for us to have competent, quality-conscious partners abroad, and precisely Lövsta Stuteri has a great focus on offering the breeders the best stallions," said Blue Hors breeding director Esben Møller. "With Tinne Vilhelmson Silfvén responsible for the training of the horses there, we also know that emphasis is placed on giving the horses the best conditions in the sport."

Blue Hors believes that Lovsta Stuteri represents the same breeding and training philosophy of them: combining breeding with sport. 

"I am very proud to present Blue Hors as bew oartber. We attach great importance to quality and would like to be able to offer stallions from a variety of bloodlines to suit different types of mares," said Malin Cohlin, the head of Lövsta's stallion station.

Lovsta Stuteri is owned by Swedish entrepreneur Antonia Ax:son Johnson.

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