Dave Thind of the Dave Thind Method announced today on social media an incredible $35 offer. To prove that Thind's Feldenkrais® based Seat Improvement system works, let's meet two Norwegian riders who just last week attended a DTM clinic in Sandefjord, Norway.
17-year-old Malin and 27-year-old Yngva both came to the dressage clinic in pain. The two riders had previously been given official medical diagnoses of a slipped disk.
“It seems fitting today to speak about how each week has the potential to be a new beginning with new possibilities. As a Feldenkrais® Practitioner, our goal is to work towards helping make the impossible possible, the possible easy and the easy elegant”, stated Thind. It doesn't what your starting point is, but we can always explore new realms of possibility to improve our riding, continued the equestrian biomechanics specialist.
Monday Motivation
Monday Motivation Meet Yngva Fearnley and her horse Macho that came to a clinic last week. She was barely able to walk on the eve of the clinic when she arrived for the group DTM mat class. She of course was uncertain if she could ride her Intermediaire I gelding. Her parents also came to supervise out of concern and were amazed! After both a group and private Feldenkrais® session and integrating while riding, she was able to ride pain free including GP level work with power!
Watch the short video to see her amazing progress and her horse Matcho do a beautiful piaffe.
Next meet Malin Eie Svendsen and her horse Bulmers showed great progress Malin also came to the clinic with acute and chronic pain that doctors have told her would always be there. This is not a minor issue, she has had back surgery. To the delight and surprise of young Malin and her parents, she rode pain free both days!
Malin and Bulmers. Second Level. Clinic in Sandefjord, Norway.
“I’m so grateful and humbled to be sharing this work that benefits horses and riders! The goal: Improved suppleness and performance but also riders and horses having the opportunity to have long and pain-free careers.Here’s to new beginnings and new possibilities!”
Beginning this week: Our next "Improve Your Riding From Home Series".
I'm so excited to share this new material with you! Starting this Wednesday November 11. If you’re looking for more dancer like tone and elegance in your riding, this next series is for you!
Improve the Strength, Function and Suppleness of your Pelvic Floor!
Feldenkrais® /DTM Training for Riders
6 Week long Improve Your Riding From Home Series
Gain subtle yet powerful control of your pelvic and enjoy the benefits of an even softer, longer and more elegant riding and standing “posture”.
The first lesson this coming Wednesday is super on its own. So if you can’t make the whole course, you can join this Wednesday only for $35. And if you decide to join for the whole course, your $35 payment will be applied! The times are 2pm EST and 7 pm EST. That’s 19:00 UK/20:00 Central Europe. And the second later class 7pm EST is 4 pm Pacific (11 am the next day in Sydney
Join (By tomorrow Nov. 10th at midnight, EST with a paypal payment of $35 USD.
Go to paypal.com and send the payment (registered or as a guest) to dave@aspirefarm.com or +1 617-980-5585. Once the payment has been sent, please email dave@aspirefarm.com to receive the login info. Please do not register after Nov. 10 at Midnight EST (18:00 Europe).
OR sign up for the full series: DTM Zoom Classes Resumes! ADVANCED CLASS* | DTM.