Pony rider Fanny Jöbstl, children rider Lena Abfalterer, junior rider Paul Jöbstl, young rider Daria Hohenwarter, Under 25 Daria Porsche, and senior Grand Prix rider Christian Schumach became the winners of the 2021 Austrian Dressage Championships, held at the Reiterhof Stückler in St. Margarethen-Stückler, Austria, on 30 September - 3 October 2021.
Pony Riders: Fanny Jöbstl
The Jöbstl sisters Fanny and Florentina, who are part of triplets and both in their last year on ponies, battled it out for the national title and the duel was won by Fanny Jöbstl. Aboard the experienced 17-year old German riding pony mare Dynasty (by Deinhard B), she was third in the team test with 69.060%, but won round two on 72.764% to be almost one percent ahead of Florentina for the gold medal (141.824 points).
The silver went to Florentina on the 10-year old Colourfull (sic) Cannonball (by Can Dance), who won the team test with 70.556% and was second in the individual with 70.285% to finish second overall with 140.841 points.
The bronze went to Anna Frech on the 13-year old German bred gelding Paddington (by Plaisier). She followed closely in the race with two consistent scores of 69.231% and 69.309% to land bronze on 138.549 points.
Children: Lena Abfalterer
Everybody was a winner in the children's division as only three combinations competed for the medals and all got one.
Lena Abfalterer and the 8-year old Hanoverian bred Colourful Life (by Christ) was a league of her own, winning the first round with 68.571% and the second with 70.175% to finish on a golden total of 138.746 points.
The silver medal went to Chiara Wurm on the 13-year old German Riding Pony Daktari SJ (by FS Don't Worry). They needed a bit of a warm-up in round one (63.619%) and cranked up their score in round two (68.421%) to finish second on 132.040 points.
Alina Carla Mach and the 12-year old German Riding Pony Der Elfenprinz (by Der Feine Lord) were third with 129.346 points after scoring 54.048% and 64.298%.
Junior Riders: Paul Jöbstl
Birthday girl Felicita Simoncic not only cut the birthday cake last weekend, but also took home a silver medal. Aboard the 9-year old Hanoverian Connery Junior (by Connery) she was twice second with 71.126% and 72.105%.
Corinna Gebhard and the 12-year old Hanoverian Brighton (by Breitling W) slotted in third after scoring 67.297% in the team test and 70.658% in the individual.
Surprisingly the three other Austrian team members for the 2021 European Championships (Oschenhofer, Schwarzlmuller and Aschauer) were unable to capture a national individual medal, but followed in the ranking. For the last two it was their final year as juniors as well and they will need to move up to Young Riders' level in 2022.
Young Riders: Daria Hohenwarter
Absent from the international show circuit this year, Daria Hohenwarter continued to be a force to be reckoned with at national level. Aboard her 16-year old Brandenburger bred Lehmann (by Lord Romadour x Lands River), Daria dominated the field of twelve young riders although she felt Pia Stallmeister breathing down her neck.
Hohenwarter won the first round with 70.614%, but was second in round two with 69.211%. Her total of 139.825 points just put her a fraction ahead for the gold. Stallmeister and the 14-year old Dutch warmblood Cantano Tetti (by Santano) posted 69.211% and 70.570 to finish second on 139.781 points.
Elena Erbstein and the 13-year old Holsteiner bred Larifari (by Larimar) slotted in third with 135.877 points after earning 67.719% and 68.158%.
Under 25: Diana Porsche
Five combinations competed in the Under 25 division, which was won by serial winner Diana Porsche aboard her 13-year old KWPN bred gelding Douglas (by Johnson). The pair won twice with 66.974% and 66.744% and renewed her Austrian U25 title from 2019.
The Vienna based Jonas Frick collected silver after scoring 65.579% in the Intermediaire II and 65.744% in the Short Grand Prix aboard the 14-year old Hanoverian bred Juno (by Hotline).
Helene Grabenwöger finished with the bronze on the 17-year old Oldenburg bred Dancing Diamond (by Diamond Hit) after placing fourth in the Inter II with 64.316% but edging out Sophie Marlene Francz in the Short Grand Prix with 65.744%.
Seniors: Christian Schumach
The silver medal was picked up Katharina Haas aboard the 11-year old Westfalian mare Let it Be (by Lissaro van de Helle) who produced two consistent rounds that earned her 70.340% and 73.520%.
The bronze medal went to 28-year old Franziska Fries, who came from he Under 25 division and has made a smooth transition into the senior group with her 16-year old KWPN gelding Atomic (by Florencio x Farrington). She scored 69.740% and with her Jungle Book freestyle she got 73.500 to finish third overall with 143.240 points, just a fraction ahead of Timna Zach on the 11-year old KWPN gelding Farant (by Spielberg) with 143.070 points. Fries will now take over the reins of Te Quiero SF and strive for an Olympic team spot at the 2024 Games in Paris.
Photos © Petra Kerschbaum
Results - 2021 Austrian Dressage Championships - St. Margarethen
Pony Riders
- 1. Dynasty - Jöbstl Fanny - 69.060 - 72.764 --- 141.824
- 2. Colourfull Cannonball - Jöbstl Florentina - 70.556 - 70.285 --- 140.841
- 3 Paddington - Frech Anna - 69.231 - 69.309 --- 138.540
- 4 Delightful Drogba - Wikus Amida - 67.179 - 67.886 --- 135.065
- 5 Latino - Riedler Mariella - 64.188 - 69.024 --- 133.212
- 6 Chapeau - Jegel Lea-Angelina - 62.949 - 63.130 --- 126.079
- 1. Colourful Life - Abfalterer Lena - 68.571 - 70.175 ---138.746
- 2. Daktari SJ - Wurm Chiara -63.619 - 68.421 ---132.040
- 3. Der Elfenprinz - Mach Alina Carla - 65.048 - 64.298 ---129.346
Junior Riders
- 1. Bodyguard - Jöbstl Paul - 73.423 - 75.658 --- 149.081
- 2. Connery Junior - Simoncic Felicita - 71.126 - 72.105 --- 143.231
- 3. Brighton - Gebhard Corinna - 67.297 - 70.658 ---137.955
- 4. Sanibel - Ochsenhofer Oskar - 68.919 - 67.675 --- 136.594
- 5. Sansita - Schwarzlmüller Anna-Katharina - 67.613 - 68.860 ---136.473
- 6. Formidable - Aschauer Leon - 67.928 - 68.114 ---136.042
- 7. Don Carino - Wikus Amida - 68.423 - 67.105 --- 135.528
- 8. Coco Procol Harum - Jöbstl Florentina - 65.991 - 68.333 ---134.324
- 9. Daiquiri - Friedl Valentina - 65.856 - 67.763 --- 133.619
- 10. Artemis - Fuhs Katharina-Teres - 63.378 - 64.518 --- 127.896
- 11. Lorenzo - Natmeßnig Alexandra - 63.108 - 62.719 --- 125.827
- 12. Ahonen - Auer Leonie - 62.072 - 58.509 --- 120.581
Young Riders
- 1. Lehmann - Hohenwarter Daria - 70.614 - 69.211 --- 139.825
- 2. Cantano Tetti - Stallmeister Pia - 69.211 - 70.570 --- 139.781
- 3. Larifari - Erbstein Elena - 67.719 - 68.158 --- 135.877
- 4. Dior - Brugger Kathrin - 68.772 - 66.140 --- 134.912
- 5. Lord Louis - Baumschlager Franziska - 68.202 - 66.140 --- 134.342
- 6. Divine Etincelle - Artner Felix - 66.974 - 66.886 --- 133.860
- 7. Fibonacci B - Baumgartinger Magdalena - 66.798 - 65.833 --- 132.631
- 8. Di Magic OLD - Frauenschuh Marie-Paule - 66.228 - 66.053 --- 132.281
- 9. Red Diamond B - Messner Lilly - 66.579 - 63.904 --- 130.483
- 10. Roi du Soleil MT - Ochsenhofer Lilli - 64.649 - 65.833 --- 130.482
- 11. Riviero B - Wratschgo Lena- 65.088 - 65.263 --- 130.351
- 12. Boolya PB - Spranz Fiona - 65.482 - 64.649 --- 130.131
Under 25
- 1. Douglas - Porsche Diana - 66.974 - 66.744 ---133.718
- 2. Juno - Frick Jonas - 65.579 - 65.744 --- 131.323
- 3. Dancing Diamond - Grabenwöger Helene - 64.316 - 65.744 --- 130.060
- 4. Der Romantiker - Francz Sophie Marlene - 65.500 - 64.349 ---129.849
- 5. Briar Junior - Artner Florian - 64.289 - 63.093 ---127.382
Seniors Grand Prix
- 1. Te Quiero SF - Schumach Christian - 73.180 - 75.115 ---148.295
- 2. Let it be - Haas Katharina - 70.340 - 73.520 ---143.860
- 3. Atomic - Fries Franziska - 69.740 - 73.500 ---143.240
- 4. Farant - Zach Timna - 72.680 - 70.390 ---143.070
- 5. Done for fun - Kleindienst-Jilly Anna - 65.940 - 73.210 ---139.150
- 6. Richterhof's Farbenfroh - Willibald Isabella - 67.260 - 71.890 ---139.150
- 7. Fantast - Valenta Oliver- 67.340 - 70.920 ---138.260
- 8. Emira - Gabriel Pia - 67.160 - 69.495 ---136.655
- 9. Dimanche Royale - Kronaus Kerstin - 66.140 - 69.915 ---136.055
- 10. Sange du Coeur - Jaklic Jasmin -65.380 - 65.430 --- 130.810
- 11. Shylock- Panis Sabine - 62.460 - 66.900 ---129.360
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