Pony rider Kira Major, children rider Orsolya Czerna, junior rider Lilla Felvinczi, young rider Fanni Ambach, and Under 25 and senior Grand Prix rider Jazmin Yom Tov became the winners of the 2022 Hungarian Dressage Championships held in Budapest on 7 - 10 July 2022.
Major and Czerna Undefeated
In the pony division four combinations competed and it was Kira Malna Major and her 11-year old German Riding pony Davida (by Don't Worry x Golden Highlight) that cruised to the title. They won the individual test with 67.973% and the kur to music with 74.275% to total 142.248 points. Hanna Szeivolt and the 18-year old Dutch bred Mysterious Golden Bink got silver with 65.270% and 70.350% (135.620 points), while the bronze went to Greta Csapo on the 12-year old Dynamite Deluxe (by Champion de Luxe x Don Joshi) with 135.184 points.
Seven pairs battled it out in the children's group and it was Orsolya Czerna aboard the 12-year old Felix (by Westenwind x Osmium) who wielded the axe of power. With 75.125% in the team test and 76.079% in the individual test, they were undefeated and won the gold with 151.204 points. Lilien Toth and the 19-year old Ronaldino (by Rotspon x Sherlock Holmes) got silver with 141.172 points, while Lola Schatz and the 13-year old Sungai (by Stedinger x Beluga) captured bronze with 140.096 points.
Felvinczi and Ambach Earn Title
Seven junior riders rode for a podium place in Budapest and it was a heavy fought battle between the gold and silver medalist who were breathing down each other's neck. In the end last year's junior champion Lila Felvinczi and the 11-year old Danish bred Bonjour Majlund (by Bogegardens Boney M x De Noir) topped the board again with 69.235 in the team test and were third in the Kur with 72.560%. Her total of 141.795 points got her the gold, but she had Hanna Hoffer on the 12-year old Dujardin (by D'Olympic x Laurentio) hot on her heels with 68.382% and a second placing Kur score of 72.885%. They totalled 141.267 points for silver. Mira Dicso and the 10-year old Foxtrot (by Foundation x Furst Heinrich) got bronze with 140.748 points after posting 67.853% and a winning Kur score of 72.895%.
Six Young Riders pair saw routinier and 2021 champion Fanni Ambach and her 14-year old Schufro Armani (by Schufro x Rosario) capture the title with 144.328 points. She won the first round with 68.000% and led the freestyle with 75.475%. Zsofia Lazar and the 14-year old Ballerina Royal (by Herzensdieb x Rubin Royal) were fairly close with 141.565 points for silver after scoring 68.000% and 73.565%. Rita Nagy and 8-year old KWPN mare Jillzella (by Capri Sonne JR x Hexagons Louisville) earned bronze with 140.071 points.
Yom Tov Does the Double
At Grand Prix level it was the Dutch based Jazmin Yom Tov who scored a unique double title, winning the gold medal in both the Under 25 division as in the senior category.
Hungary counted four combinations in the Under 25 division and it was topped by long-time leader Jazmin Yom Tov, who lives and trains in The Netherlands with Sjef Janssen. With the 11-year old Westfalian For Joy (by Feedback x Donnerbube II), which she took from young horse level to Grand Prix, she won the gold in this year's U25 division. She posted 70.000 in the Short Grand Prix and 75.250% in the Kur. She totalled 145.250 points. Dorka Makk and the 12-year old Fulrike Utica (by Van Gogh x Concorde) got silver with 139.003 points after posting 66.538 and 72.465%. The bronze went to Reka Zengo and the 12-year old Ribery (by Riccio x Rempor) with 135.384 points.
Yom Tov steamed ahead and also won her second, consecutive senior Grand Prix title aboard her number one in the barn, Hexagon's Grandville, an 11-year old KWPN stallion by Hexagon's Louisville x Rubiquil). Yom Tov bested a field of just four riders with the two Hungarian individual riders for the 2022 World Championships in Herning (Losonczy, Szokola) both absent from the Nationals. Jazmin placed second in the Grand Prix with 66.500% and won the Kur with 73.900% to claim the gold medal with 140,400 points. Anita Schmidt and her 12-year old gelding Limitless (by Larimar x Conteur) were good for silver (138.526 pts) with a winning Grand Prix score of 67.326% and 71.200% in the Kur. The bronze went to Pavline Revesz on her 11-year old Decadence with 135.065 points.
Results - 2022 Hungarian Dressage Championships - Budapest
Pony Riders
- 1. Major Kíra Málna - Davida - 67,973 74,275 --- 142,248
- 2. Szeivolt Hanna Titanillam - Mysterious Golden Bink - 65,270 70,350 --- 135,620
- 3. Csapó Gréta Hilda - Dynamite Deluxe - 67,117 68,067 --- 135,184
- 4. Plutzer Zita - Haverstein's Olympic- 62,342 67,158 --- 129,500
- 1. Czérna Orsolya Anna - Felix - 75,125 - 76,079 --- 151,204
- 2. Tóth Lilien - Ronaldino - 71,200 - 69,972 --- 141,172
- 3. Schatz Lola - Sungai - 68,675 - 71,421 --- 140,096
- 4. Nobilis Barna - Sohn Der Sonne - 69,650 - 68,338 --- 137,988
- 5. Sólák Katalin - Astor - 67,900 - 68,093 --- 135,993
- 6. Rigó Janina Krisztina - Don Glory - 64,400 - 67,468 --- 131,868
- 7. Simkó Brigitta - Timpex Csatadal - 64,850 - 64,625 --- 129,475
Junior Riders
- 1 Felvinczi Lilla - Bonjour Majlund - 69,235 - 72,560 --- 141,795
- 2 Hoffer Hanna - Dujardin - 68,382 - 72,885 --- 141,267
- 3 Dicső Mira - Foxtrot - 67,853 - 72,895 --- 140,748
- 4 Kóródi Nóra - Laurin - 67,088 - 71,285 --- 138,373
- 5 Lőkös Lúcia - Royal Fatuna - 64,824 - 68,550 --- 133,374
- 6 Argyelán Roxána - Right Now - 62,412 - 67,500 --- 129,912
- 7 Koszta Botond - De Prince - 60,618 - 0,000 --- 60,618
Young Riders
- 1. Ambach Fanni - Schufro Armani - 68,853 - 75,475 --- 144,328
- 2. Lázár Zsófia - Balerina Royal - 68,000 - 73,565 --- 141,565
- 3. Nagy Rita Laura - Jillzella - 67,176 - 72,895 --- 140,071
- 4. Marschall István- Conversano Xxviii-2 - 67,765 - 70,945 --- 138,710
- 5. Rapi Kitti Krisztina - Die Oder Keine - 66,265- 67,320 --- 133,585
- 6. Csiba Anna Sára - Lady Rowena - 63,000 - 69,955 --- 132,955
Under 25
- 1. Yom Tov Jazmin - For Joy - 70,000 - 75,250 --- 145,250
- 2. Makk Dorka Panka - Fulrike Utica - 66,538 - 72,465 --- 139,003
- 3. Zengő Réka - Ribery - 65,179 - 70,205 --- 135,384
- 4. Gyorsok Luca - Ayrton Senna V.d. Vannahoeve - 65,436 - 66,385 --- 131,821
- 1. Yom Tov Jazmin - Hexagon's Grandville - 66,500 - 73,900 --- 140,400
- 2. Schmidt Anita - Limitless 67,326 - 71,200 --- 138,526
- 3. Révész Pavlina - Decadance - 65,130 - 69,935 --- 135,065
- 4. Mikó Tamás - Maestoso Xxxiii-31 - 60,826 - 67,015 --- 127,841
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