The colt Forever Frantsits and the filly Boney M became the winners of the 2022 Austrian Warmblood Foal Championship, held in Stadl Paura on 15 - 18 September 2022.
The foal championship was judged by Hans-Heinrich Brüning and Dr. Helmut Feigl. A hundred foals were entered and 89 of them physically came to Stadl Paura for inspection.
Twenty-two fillies were presented for inspection and it was Christina Steinbrener's Boney M (by So Perfect x Bretton Woods) that took the title with 9.3 points. Bred by Ludwig Scheuringer, she scored 9.5 for type, 9.0 for conformation and 9.5 for movement.
The reserve champion was Ulrike Frost's Daenerys MP (by D'Egalité x Morricone). She finished on 9.2 points with a 9 for type and conformation and 9.5 for movement.
The third ranked filly was Virginia's Legacy (by Sir Donnerhall x Negro), bred and owned by Jurgen and Bettina Frantsits. She scored 9.0 points with a 9 for type, 8.5 for conformation and 9.5 for movement.
The breeders' pair Jurgen and Bettina Frantsits celebrated more success in Stadl Paura as their colt Forever Frantsits (For Romance x Romanov) captured the champion's title in the colt division, which featured 22 foals. He scored 9.5 in total with 9.5 for type, 9 for conformation and 10 for movement.
The runner-up was Christian Rainer's colt Vom Feinsten (by Viva Gold x Finesse) with 9.2 points. The judges gave him 9 for type and conformation and 9.5 for movement.
The third ranked colt was Kjano K (by Kjento x Toto Jr), bred and owned by Wolfgang Kromoser. He earned 9 for type, 8.5 for conformation and 9.5 for movement to finish on a total average of 9.0 points.
The champion pony filly was the filly Championa PP (by Cayuga San x Steendieks Perfect Mind), bred and owned by Erich and Bianca Purstinger. The champion pony colt was Nikus M (by Neverland x Dresscode), bred by Klaus Russinger and Katrin Radlgruber, and owned by ZG Frank.
Results - 2022 Austrian Warmblood Foal Championships
Fillies (top 10)
- 1 Boney M (by So Perfecct x Bretton Woods) - B: Ludwig Scheuringer - O: Christina Steinbrener - 9,5 9,0 9,5 --- 9,3
- 2 Daenerys MP (by D´Egalite x Morricone) - B & O: Ulrike Forst - 9,0 9,0 9,5 --- 9,2
- 3 Virginia's Legacy (by Sir Donnerhall I x Negro) - B & O: Jürgen & Bettina Frantsits - 9,0 8,5 9,5 --- 9,0
- 4 Pringels (by De Niro Gold x Robin Hood) - B & O: Thomas Moritz - 9,0 8,5 9,0 --- 8,8
- 5 Ghedina (by Sir Donnerhall I x Fürst Grandios) - B & O: Christian Großholzner - 8,5 8,5 8,5 --- 8,5
- 5 Rhapsody R (by Bohemian PrH. X Canaster) - B & O: Johann Reisenthaler - 8,5 8,5 8,5 --- 8,5
- 5 Cara Kjentosa K (by Kjento x United) - B & O: Wolfgang Kromoser - 8,5 8,5 8,5 --- 8,5
- 5 Lady in Black (by Secret x Bon Coeur) - B & O: Johannes Schwaiger - 8,0 8,5 9,0 --- 8,5
- 5 Leona (by Delorean x Amandari) - B & O: Franz Pöckl - 9,0 8,0 8,5 --- 8,5
- 5 Inegra (by Bonjour StPrH. X Negro) - B: Manuela Winkler - O: Lisa Eder - 9,0 8,0 8,5 --- 8,5
- 5 Bella Ciao W (by Damaschino I x Zack) - B & O: Andreas Winter - 9,0 8,0 8,5 --- 8,5
- 5 Totila FH (by Totilas x Fürst Romancier) - B & O: Holzleitner - 8,5 8,5 8,5 --- 8,5
Colts (top 10)
- 1 Forever Frantsits (by For Romance I x Romanov) - B & O: Jürgen & Bettina Frantsits - 9,5 9,0 10,0 --- 9,5
- 2 Vom Feinsten (by Viva Gold x Finesse) - B & O: Christian Rainer - 9,0 9,0 9,5 --- 9,2
- 3 Kjano K (by Kjento x Toto Jr.) - B & O: Wolfgang Kromoser -9,0 8,5 9,5 --- 9,0
- 4 Fabricio (by For Romance I x Don Juan de Hus) - B & O: Bachmayr-Fischer - 9,0 8,5 9,0 --- 8,8
- 5 Vitaly Royal H (by Von und Zu x Royal Classic) - B & O: Georg Hartl - 9,0 8,0 9,0 --- 8,7
- 6 Verdi (by Vivaldos. X Ferro) - B: Christian Rainer - Owner;: Andrea Rußegger, Hallein 8,5 8,0 9,0 --- 8,5
- 6 Beautiful Dancer (by Bailador x Donnerhall) - B & O: Julia Aschaber -8,5 8,5 8,5 --- 8,5
- 6 Big John (by Bonds x Lauries Crusador xx) - B & O: Richard & Bettina Pichler - 9,0 8,0 8,5 --- 8,5
- 6 Finest Soul (by Floriscount x Smashing Hit) - B: Johanna Schwentner - Owner: Haine - 8,5 8,5 8,5 --- 8,5
- 6 Fandango MBH (by Fit for Fun x Peron M) - B: Gestüt Moosbachhof - Owner: Helga Märzendorfer - 9,0 8,5 8,0 --- 8,5
- 6 Black Jack (by Bohemian PrH. X Finest) - B & O: Ursula & Norbert Schoßböck- 9,0 8,5 8,0 --- 8,5
- 6 Cash Flow ASC (by Christ x Desperados) - B & O: Christine Wolf - 8,5 8,5 8,5 --- 8,5
Photo © Team Myrtill
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