Russian judges and stewards, just like Russian Athletes and Russian owned horses, remain barred from officiating in 2023.
Confusing arose when this month FEI database started listing the status of Russian officials as "Open" for 2023 with a green ball next to their name, while horses and riders remained red-balled.
The FEI explained the matter as following:
Maribel Alonso, chair of the FEI dressage committee, stated, "Officials cannot officiate. However, their functions and attached rights are “Open” in the database meaning that their end dates and statuses are linked to their maintenance requirements and results only."
Malina Gueorguiev, FEI communications manager, further clarified that, "the decision not to permit Officials from Russia and Belarus to officiate at FEI events remains in force until further notice. However, Officials from these country are permitted to take part in FEI courses and seminars to maintain/further their education."
Due to the invasion and war in Ukraine, Russian and Belarusian athletes, horses and officials have been prohibited from participating in FEI events as of 2 March 2022. This ban has been extended into 2023.
Related Links
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