In the heart and spirit of the Adequan Global Dressage Festival, USPRE Week will be held from 24 - 28 January 2023. This week full of activities will focus on the PRE. The purpose is to continue the promotion of the Spanish horse breed in the United States.
USPRE members and PRE lovers are invited to the equestrian “Disneyland” of Wellington, the epicenter of international competition in the world. You will enjoy a great program of activities related to the Spanish horse.
Star Guests
The PRE horse returns as the sole protagonist in Wellington. The annual week will once again give a wide variety of activities designed for enjoyment and learning for PRE fans.
Among the confirmed guests are distinguished Spanish personalities Juan Manuel Muñoz and Francisco Fernandez Muñoz, and elite riders such as Yvonne Losos de Muñiz, just to name a few honored invitees.
An Action Packed Week
Continuing the program on Wednesday morning at the Horse and Hounds premises, Javier Ruiz will explain certain ingredients of his magical recipe advocating the classical warm-up of the trained horse.
Immediately following, Juan Manuel Muñoz will provide insights into the development of the young horse with Kerrigan Gluch and Hermanito HGF.
A seminar will follow focusing on horse health by Dr. Robert Boswell, DMV, PA. He will share his knowledge and experience about preventing and treating Laminitis in the PRE. Later in the schedule, a Purina representative will provide some input about proper horse diets
Thursday, the activities are rolling. In the morning, Juan Manuel Muñoz will continue with his guidance on the second part of his clinic. Afterward, everyone is invited to attend the Grand Prix competition at the Global Dressage Festival around noontime.
Mark your calendar for Friday Night Under the Lights, the Grand Prix Freestyle, sponsored by USPRE. It begins at 7 PM at the Global Dressage Festival. With the electric atmosphere of the Friday Night Stars Freestyles, the audience will enjoy, during the intermission, a PRE exhibition.
Last but not least, on Saturday, as the final activity, there will be a ROUND TABLE discussion about “The new horizon of the PRE in the sport.” Judges, Elite riders, and amateurs are some of the exciting guests that will form the panel.
An Educational Week in Wellington
For more information, please feel free to call the USPRE office. See you soon in Wellington!
PROGRAM: (Subject to change)
Tuesday, January 24:
- 8:30 AM- 4:30 PM Clinic with Juan Manuel Muñoz at Horses and Hounds (11399 Piping Plover Road. Lake Worth FL 33449) Continental Breakfast will be provided.
Noon: Lunch - 6:30 PM: Member Reception at National Polo Center: 3667 120th Ave S Wellington, FL 33414
Wednesday, January 25; At Horses and Hounds
- 8:30 AM Seminar with Javier Ruiz: Classical Warm-up of the Trained Horse
- 9:30 AM Seminar with Juan Manuel Muñoz: Development of the Young Horse
- 10:30 AM Seminar “Prevention and Treatment of Laminitis in the PRE: Nutritional and Interventional Strategies” with Dr. Robert P. Boswell, DVM.
- 11:15 AM Purina Clinic: Proper Horse Diet
- 12:30 Lunch
Thursday, January 26
- 8:30 AM- 4:30 PM Clinic with Juan Manuel Muñoz (Part II) at Horses and Hounds. Continental Breakfast will be provided.
- Around Noon: GP FS sponsored by USPRE at Adequan Global Dressage Festival
- 7:00 PM: Annual Member Dinner & Annual Award Ceremony at Wellington International: 3400 Equestrian Club Dr. Wellington, FL 33414
Friday, January 27:
- 7:00 PM – Freestyles Under the Lights at the Global Dressage Festival. USPRE Exhibitions.
Saturday, January 28:
- 9:00 AM: Round Table “The New Horizon of the PRE in the Sport” with guest speakers: Juan Manuel Muñoz, Janet Foy, Yvonne Losos de Muñiz, and more.
More information at www.usprea.com
Related Links
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