Destano, a Grand Prix Professor for Kristin Biermann

Tue, 04/18/2023 - 10:17
Simone Pearce and Destano at the 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo :: Photo © Astrid Appels

After the departure of Simone Pearce as head rider at Gestüt Sprehe, the station's leading competition stallion Destano moved to the background and has not been competed since.

The 16-year old Hanoverian stallion has been serving at home as a Grand Prix professor for Albert Sprehe's daughter, Kristin Biermann, and there might be a come back in the making. 

Licensed Stallion

Destano is a  stallion by Desperados out of Bella Navonna (by Brentano II x Imperator x Wenzel). He is bred by Heinrich Giesselmann.

He was licensed at the 2009 Hanoverian Stallion Licensing in Verden and approved for Oldenburg two months later. In 2011 he became the Oldenburg Main Premium title winner. 

He did his first shows as a young horse in 2010 under Heike Klausing after which Lukas Fischer and Eyal Zlatin took over.

Hagman and Destano at the 2019 CDIO Aachen
In 2016 Sabine Rueben competed the stallion at national small tour level and in 2018 Swedish Michelle Hagman took him into the Grand Prix.  Destano made his international Grand Prix debut in June 2019 and competed at the CDI's in Kronenberg, Aachen and Oldenburg with upper sixty and lower 70 percentage scores. 

Simone Pearce

Australian Simone Pearce traded in riding at Helgstrand's in Denmark for Gestut Sprehe in Germany at the end of 2018.

The ride on Destano was passed on to her in the winter of 2019-2020 and the new pair made its show debut in March 2020 in Vreschen-Bokel. With the starting place at the Olympics Games in Tokyo at stake, she premiered the black stallion at the CDI Dortmund the weekend of the outbreak of the corona virus in Europe. Three months later they were second in the Grand Prix at the CDI Mariakalnok in Hungary with 71.239%. At the CDI Achleiten that Grand Prix score rose to 74.152% and in Brno they posted 76.261% for the victory.

Pearce and Destano at the 2021 Olympics
The Olympics were postponed by a year, but also in 2021 Pearce and Destano proved consistency with low seventy percentage marks and represented Australia in Tokyo, where the pressure and atmosphere played their part. They were 36th with 68.494%. At the 2021 CDI Aachen two months later they were back at 70.391% in the Grand Prix. 

Their final CDI was in Gossendorf in April 2022 with a double victory. Their Grand Prix score was 73.435%

Kristin Biermann

Pearce swapped Sprehe for a head rider position at Gestut Bonhomme and Destano disappeared from the lime light. 

Because of the sport goals, Destano had not been standing at stud with fresh semen and only frozen was offered. Also this year he's still only on the frozen roster. 

Kristin Biermann confirmed to Eurodressage that she has been riding Destano since Simone left and enjoying the new partnership. 

"I am happy to have another Grand Prix horse in the stable besides Queensland," she told Eurodressage. "He is really nice for riding and always giving his best. And he is the king in our stable."

Kristin Biermann and Queensland
Biermann's international career began in 2014 in the junior division on San Schufro (by Sandro Hit x Don Schufro) but it were Fanfani (by Florencio x Rubinstar) and Zwetcher (by Sir Sinclair x Jetset D) that gave her career speed. With Zwetcher she was member of the German team at the 2015 European Junior Riders Championships in Vidauban (FRA). Her first international Grand Prix horse was Askari (by Krack C x Ramiro Z) in 2017 and with Queensland (by Quaterback x Davignon II) she began competing in the Under 25 division as of 2019 through 2022. Last year she also campaigned My Dream (by Millennium x Ituango xx) at international small tour level.

On Destano Biermann hopes to consolidate and fine-tune her Grand Prix riding skills. When asked if she plans to compete him, Kristin replied, "there is no exact show schedule yet, but towards summer we are planning our first show together. So we will see what the year will bring for us."

Photos © Astrid Appels

Related Links
Two Olympic Hopefuls for Simone Pearce: Denightron and Destano
Simone Pearce Makes a Splash in Mariakalnok, Hot Contender for Australian Olympic Team Spot
Destano, 2011 Oldenburg Hauptpremium Winner
Destano and De Niro Offspring Win 2013 German Foal Championships