The Wellington Equestrian Preserve Committee (EPC) has voted 7-0 to deny Mark Bellissimo's 4.0 proposal to take land out of the preserve and build a luxury golf community near and on the horse show grounds.
Wellington Protects Horse Land
Wellington is a horse community with a seasonal influx of dressage, show jumping, hunter/jumper and polo competitors, horses, owners, trainers from all over the world bringing business, wealth, and luxury lifestyle to the Florida city. With it comes increased land prices, a booming real estate market, and heavily congested traffic.
In 2000 the "Equestrian Preserve" was created with its own zoning district with its own rules and regulations to protect the land and the character of the equestrian community. It aims to maximize green space, control density, and maintain the rich equestrian character.
For Bellissimo to go through with his building plans he needs to get planning permission and conversions of zoning areas first from the Equestrian Preserve Committee (EPC), who advises the Wellington Planning Zoning and Adjustment Board, who then sends their recommendations to the Village Council. To remove land from the Preserve requires 4 of 5 votes on the Council.
EPC Votes No
Two meetings were held on 7 and 8 June 2023 where Team Bellissimo presented its plans, followed by peppered questions from the seven Equestrian Preserve committee members, as well as statements from the general public, including from attorney James Gavigan Jr, who represents the Jacobs family (Deer Ridge Farm) and who is one of the strongest voices to protect the land in the preserve. (view recorded meeting here)
Bellissimo's master plan titled "The Wellington" aims at building two luxury communities in its equestrian preserve, including on 96 acres within it that are now protected from development. Wellington North, at South Shore Boulevard and Pierson Road (Global Dressage Festival grounds), would include 272 low-rise, luxury condominiums and 28 single-family homes. Wellington South, at South Shore and Lake Worth Road, would feature 148 homes, 143 of them villas on quarter- and half-acre lots and five of them farms of more than 4 acres.
Holding the Horse Show Hostage
What became abundantly clear from the two meetings is that Bellissimo has no plan in place whatsoever to expand, develop or improve the horse show grounds, but instead "holds the horse show hostage," as EPC board member Ben Myers stated.
a 'signed deal' with Bellissimo on the expansion of the horse
show grounds
“We haven't even seen a sketch of the horse show,” EPC board member Jane Cleveland said at the meeting. “It's not real.”
The show jumping grounds (formerly known as Palm Beach Equestrian International Club) are owned by Global Equestrian Group, of which the Dutch private equity group Waterland is a 51% majority stakeholder. Helgstrand and all its incorporated companies (Beerbaum, Kittel, Kingsland, etc) are minority owners and do not make the final decision on major purchases, developments, sales, etc, as Anders Beck confirmed in the meeting. There was no representative of Waterland present.
Playing Chess
The chess piece is "a signed contract" between Bellissimo's group and Global Equestrian Group for almost 100 acres of land adjacent to the show jumping ground. However during the meeting it became clear that this contract is more a letter of intent, than an actual deed of the land, or sales document with legal assurances.
The land where the Global Dressage Festival is held is still owned by Bellissimo's Far Niente/WEP group, which GEG leases until 2025 to host the dressage show on.
Homework for Bellissimo
Listening to the voices of the Wellington citizens, the message to the EPC was clear: no to the whole project.
Bellissimo, whose plans to build in the equestrian preserve already met with rejection in 2012 and 2016, now received more homework.
“I don't want to vote on the houses before I know about the equestrian center that they are going to build,” said Carlos Arellano, a Equestrian Preserve Committee member. “We need to see the plans.”
Bellissimo has a track record of not fulfilling promises he makes in order to get permits from the village. Last summer he ended up paying the town $1.3 million in-kind for the village to make the road improvements he had promised to do ten years ago as part of the condition for approval for the Global Dressage Festival.
"The Wellington" project will next go before the village Planning and Zoning Board, possibly as soon as July. The village council also must approve the request, a Council vote that is scheduled for the end of the summer.
Read a detailed report of the meeting in the Palm Beach Post
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