-- by Berni Saunders for Equestrian Australia, edited by Eurodressage
From the 7-9 July 2023, the Sydney International Equestrian Centre was the place to be for young dressage riders, their families and support crew who have put in the “hard yards” to qualify for the 2023 Australian Youth Dressage Championships on the National Dressage calendar.
The organising committee headed up by Event Director Bruce McVey are to be commended for providing a competition that prepares the most talented young Australian Dressage riders as they move forward and become Australia’s future representatives in the sport. Many of the weekend’s participants have high ambitions and are working towards qualifying for Olympic Games and World Equestrian Games/World Championships.
I spoke with the winner of the Under 25 Championships, Kate Kyros, who partnered with her stallion Chemistry. Kate was also awarded the FEI Young Rider Reserve Championship riding her younger stallion Intro K.
Speaking with Kate, I learnt more about her story with horses and how they play a huge role in her life. “I began riding horses when I was 10 years old in South Australia and found herself under the incredible guidance of Chris and Victoria Lawrie. There I spent 8 years competing and travelling around Australia on the show horse circuit before making my move into dressage after I purchased Courtlands Cadman. ‘Caddie’ as he was known at in the stable was my first dressage horse who introduced me to the sport. Once we started competing in 2020, I was hooked. Together we won the CDI Junior Freestyle at Dressage by the Sea, Sydney CDI, Brisbane CDI and Boneo Summer Championships.
"I am now 19 years old and excited to continue my dressage journey with my two Stallions Chemistry and Intro K. Chemistry (Tommy) is 11 years old and carries the respected bloodlines of Connoisseur, Johnson and Rousseau. Tommy was purchased as a Grand Prix stallion from John Thompson over two years ago when he was in his early days on the GP circuit. With the halt of competition caused by Covid, there was limited opportunity for him to gain competition experience. We decided to leave him with John to campaign and they won the prestigious CDI 3* at the Sydney CDI in 2022, before representing New Zealand at the Dressage World Championships in Herning, Denmark.
“I took over the ride on Chemistry in December 2022 and am so proud of our results in this short time. Together we have worked our way up from Inter I to Grand Prix with the aim of competing in the U25 Grand Prix at the Australian Youth Dressage Championships. In June I rode my first-ever Grand Prix tests, winning at the first and second competitions of the Hawkesbury Dressage Festival. This was a huge step up for me having only competed in the big tour classes in recent months but made possible by my amazing Tommy”.
Special K
Kate Kyros and her second stallion Intro K (Intro) have been dubbed “The Special Ks” and their outstanding performances confirm the bond they have formed in a partnership that commenced in late 2022. At Willinga Park CDI, this dynamic duo were the winners of the CDI-Y Team Test as well as setting a new Australian record for the highest percentage in the FEI Young Rider Individual 72.402% Test. Kate has already exceeded this record with her score of 73.43% at the Youth Dressage Championships at SIEC in July 2023.
(Photo © Simon Scully)
A Team Effort: Combining College with Riding
In light of Kate’s impressive show at the Australian Young Rider Championships, I followed up to ask about the preparation for this event and working towards the future in Dressage, Kate said.
“I live away from my family home in South Australia while attending Bond University on the Gold Coast. I am studying Business and Law for the next three years and rely on the help of my team to care for the horses and prepare for events.”
“I am a member of the Bond University Elite Athlete Program while living and studying in Queensland. The program gives young athletes flexibility that allows study, competition commitments and training to work harmoniously. While in the sunshine state, I am based at Jemma Heran’s property on the Gold Coast and am fortunate to have the support of her team while Jemma is training and competing with PSI in Germany. It is an interesting coincidence that Jemma also studied at Bond University doing the same degrees as me! Jemma is one to watch as she progresses with her horse Total Recall. I am so fortunate to have the help of Jemma’s “super-groom” Christy Baker, she spent a year overseas with Jemma and knows what it takes to care for horses at the top level of equestrian sport.”
Coached to Perfection
“A great deal of planning goes into my competition appearances and I must acknowledge my mum Heather for her huge commitment as she frequently travels from South Australia to Queensland to be the truck driver and much-valued competition day helper. My amazing coach Jenny Gehrke is a huge part of my recent success. She has a wealth of knowledge and competition experience and supports me far beyond our lessons together. After competitions we go over the score sheets, discuss the judges’ marks and comments, review videos and work on strategies to set goals and improve future scores.”
Through Jenny, Kate has learned more about the potential opportunities for Australian young riders. “Jayden Brown had the experience of competing as a young rider internationally with the guidance of Jenny. His story is inspirational and demonstrates that hard work and determination make anything possible”.
“I guess the biggest thank you goes to my two stallions Chemistry and Intro K, I am so fortunate to ride these amazing horses”.
The 2023 Australian Youth Dressage Championships - the FEI Champions were:
- Under 25: Kate Kyros and Chemistry
- Young Riders: Bridgette Dalmau and Bon Jovi MH
- Junior Riders: Tia Rose McKenzie and Phenomenon
- Children: Matia Hopwood and Clare Downs Arian Lledrith
- Pony Riders: Abby Weel and Reitlands Obama
Complete scores here.
Related Links
Kate Kyros Takes Over Ride on New Zealand World Championship Team Horse
KWPN Stallion Intro K Sold to Australia
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