Swedish Team Horse Paridon Magi Passed Away

Sun, 10/01/2023 - 10:08
Tinne Vilhelmson-Silfvan on Paridon Magi at the 2017 European Championships in Gothenburg :: Photo © Astrid Appels

Paridon Magi, a Swedish team horse for Tinne Vilhelmson and career starting Grand Prix horse for her assistant Caroline Darcourt, has passed away. 

Paridon Magi was a 20-year old Swedish warmblood gelding by Don Primero out of Napoli (by Napoleon x Monaco x Flamingo). He was bred by Niclas Magnusson and Rebecca Giegold.

Young Horse Success

Paridon was named after a family member, while the Magi stands for MAgnusson and GIegold. The breeder's couple bred three full siblings by Don Primero out of Napoli, including Parma and Don Perignon.

Paridon Magi sold as a foal to Swedish horse dealer Johan Ifverson and then was acquired by Antonia Ax:son Johnson as a 3-year old. He was trained up to Grand Prix level by Caroline Darcourt (née Palmgren) under the supervision of Tinne Vilhelmson. 

They pair won bronze in the 4-year old division at the 2007 Swedish Young Horse Championships, was 8th as a 5-year old at the 2008 Swedish Young Horse Championships, and won gold in the 6-year division at the 2009 Swedish Young Horse Championships. The gelding was named "Talent of the Year" at the 2009 Swedish Riders' Gala.

Grand Prix Career

Darcourt and Paridon Magi at the 2011 CDI Hagen
With Darcourt Paridon Magi progressed to Grand Prix level and he became the career starting dressage horse for his Swedish rider.

The pair debuted at international show debut in 2011 in Hagen and their CDI Grand Prix debut in 2013 at the CDI Vidauban. They consistently competed at CDI's across Europe and in Wellington through the spring of 2015. 

Tinne Vilhelmson

Shortly before the Olympic year of 2016 Tinne Vilhelmson took over the Paridon Magi as a catch ride for the 2015 CDI Stockholm returning him to Darcourt for campaigning in 2016. They competed in Lier, Hamburg, Ypaja, but for the CDIO Aachen Tinne was suddenly back on board and retained the ride until 2018. 

After the Rio Olympics Tinne's number one Don Auriello was sidelined for almost two years and Paridon Magi took over the baton. The new pair competed at FEI Nations' Cups in Compiegne and Falsterbo in 2017 and qualified on the Swedish team for the European Championships in Gothenburg, where they won team bronze and were 10th in the Kur to Music finals. 

With Tinne at the 2017 European Championships
Tinne competing him through the spring of 2018 but withdrew from the 2018 CDI Cappeln after which Paridon Magi disappeared from the scene for almost two years due to an injury. 

In 2020 Paridon Magi made his come back in Wellington, Florida, for two more CDI's with Caroline Darcourt. 


The CDI-W on 6 February 2020 was his last international. Paridon was retired from competition sport but stayed a schoolmaster at home. 

On 26 September 2023 Paridon Magi was euthanised. 

"Today we had to say goodbye to our beloved comrade, teacher and one of Lövsta Stuteri's most successful horses," owner Lovsta stuteri posted.  "He came to us as a naughty, but promising 3-year-old. Together with Caroline Darcourt, they made it all the way from young horse classes to international Grand Prix. After a decade as an international Grand Prix horse, Magi since had the role of schoolmaster at Lövsta Stuteri, a role he carried out with honour. Unfortunately, a short time ago his health deteriorated and we had to make the decision to put him to sleep. Like the name he had, he was, a magical horse. He will forever be preserved brightly in the memory of all of us."

Photos © Astrid Appels

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