USEF has announced the athletes who have been selected to participate in the 2024 Robert Dover USEF Horsemastership Clinic Week (RDHCW) on 3 - 7 January 2024 in Wellington, Florida.
The purpose of the annual RDHCW is to develop the next generation of U.S. Dressage Team talent. Participants will receive instruction from industry professionals on topics related to riding, competing, and horse care. This year’s clinicians for the ridden sessions of the RDHCW are Ali Brock, Katherine Bateson-Chandler, Katie Duerrhammer, and Sarah Tubman.
The following participants are listed in alphabetical order:
- Taylor Allen (Niwot, Colo.)
- Korey Denny (Williston, Fla.)
- Leah Drew (Lincoln, Mass.)
- Kat Fuqua (Atlanta, Ga.)
- Alexandra Garvey (Dallas, Texas)
- Maryn Geck (West Linn, Ore.)
- Emily Hewitt (Atlanta, Ga.)
- Campbell Jones (Saline, Mich.)
- Franki Kesner (Hampton, N.J.)
- Lexie Kment (Palmyra, Neb.)
- Mary Chapman Martin (Opelika, Ala.)
- Bennett McWhorter (Baton Rouge, La.)
- Jenaya Olsen (Naples, Fla.)
- Lizzie Oshman (Menlo Park, Calif.)
- Mary Claire Piller (Oakdale, Tenn.)
- Marin Roth (Bloomington, Ill.)
- Emma Claire Stephens (Loxahatchee, Fla.)
- Claire Tucker
- Madison Sumner (Wellington, Fla.)
- Autumn Vavrick (Oxford, Mich.)
- Virginia Woodcock (Atlanta, Ga.)
Photo © Sharon Packer
Related Links
Participants for the 2023 Robert Dover Horsemastership Clinic Week
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