NorCordia Teams Up with Anne-Marie Hosbond

Wed, 07/03/2024 - 10:12
NorCordia Denmark's Ulrik Clemmensen with newest business partner Anne-Marie Hosbond

The Danish-American sporthorse investment company NorCordia and Anne-Marie Hosbond have entered into a partnership agreement, integrating Anne-Marie Hosbond into NorCordia as a training and sales station.

This step aligns with NorCordia's strategy of growth by partnership development.

Strong Collaboration

Ulrik Clemmensen, CEO of NorCordia Europe, states: "We want a long-standing, solid collaboration with Anne-Marie. She is not only a fantastic and successful rider, Anne-Marie also shares our values and attitudes toward horse welfare, which is a cornerstone of our brand."

Anne-Marie Hosbond is excited: "I have already been riding horses for NorCordia for an extended period.  I’ve followed the company’s development in Europe and the USA since their start in 2021 and I’m thrilled to work with this group.  As an independent trainer, I see great value in associating with a bigger company.  This partnership will provide me with many opportunities, like access to other top trainers within in the network, exposure on social media, website development and accounting services. I look forward to becoming part of NorCordia’s global community.  I think it will bring great value to my independent business.

Consistent Growth

Hosbond at the 2017 World Young Horse
Since its inception in 2021, NorCordia has created systematic and consistent growth. In 2023, the company focused on increasing partnerships, a strategy that will continue in 2024 with other strong collaborations like the one with Anne-Marie Hosbond.

Additionally, Anne-Marie has moved her training stable from Kolding to Korshøjgaard in Randbøl. The former stable of Blue Hors - a phenomenal facility for horses - will become NorCordia's Danish base. Initially, the partnership will serve 12 horses, with plans to expand as NorCordia's growth continues.

NorCordia: Horses for Life

NorCordia, a global leader in the equestrian sales industry and creator of unique sporthorse investment portfolios, 

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-- NorCordia press release