Horse Inspection Puts Olympic Fate on Hold for Several Horses at 2024 Olympics

Sun, 07/28/2024 - 13:14
2024 Olympic Games
Moroccan Yessin Rahmouni and All at Once were the first  to trot up in the horse inspection at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris :: Photo © Astrid Appels

-- Photos © Eurodressage - No reproduction allowed - NO SCREENSHOTS!

Dressage riders competing in the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris cleared the first important phase before the official start of the Grand Prix on Tuesday 30 July 2024. The dressage horse inspection proved to be quite a hurdle for several combinations as an unprecedented five horses were sent to the holding box.

A Walk in the Park

After incessant rain yesterday the sun come out on Sunday morning 28 July 2024 to shine on the garden of Versailles castle and set the most gorgeous scene for maybe the highlight Olympic equestrian event on the programme: the eventing cross country. I

It was an early bird morning for the dressage lot as the horse inspection started at 7h40 in a secluded area between the show grounds and stables. The palace gardens are landscaped geometrically with long lanes dividing different sections of the estate. On a grassy strip in one of those long lanes lined with of tall oak trees a gravel strip was built for the trot-up. The early morning sun hit the trees which cast much shade where all the action took place, while in the distance fog draped a curtain over the fields. The setting was picturesque (but tricky for photographers).

FEI Dressage director Ronan Murphey and president
of the ground jury Raphael Saleh and more officials
at the trot-up
While the horse inspection itself ran smoothly with only one quick drag break, the trot-up proved not to be a walk in the park.  

Dressage in Versailles Begins

Dutch based Moroccan Yessin Rahmouni was the first to present his horse, Willeke Bos' licensed stallion All at Once at 7h40 sharp. The rider is attending his third Olympics after London and Tokyo, and almost didn't make it to this one as a severe riding accident left him with a fractured vertebrae in his neck. The rider was only deemed "fit to compete" just days before departing to Versailles. 

Sixty horses plus all the reserve horses were presented in blocks per country. They were assessed by the ground jury, chaired by French 5* judge Raphael Saleh, and several FEI veterinary delegates. The section where the officials stood was like an ants hill as they were packed closely together, decked out in the official black outfit. 

Five to the Holding Box

Corentin Pottier and Gotilas
The first rider to run twice with her horse was Finnish reserve Elisabeth Ehrnrooth and Daytona (by Dante Weltino x Samarant) but she then heard the relieving words "accepted".

The first horse to be sent to the holding box was Austrian reserve horse Amplemento (by Ampere x Sir Oldenburg), quickly followed by Spain's highest scoring team horse of the moment, PRE stallion Malagueno LXXXIII (by Joyero XXIV x Dominante XVI).

Then a feared "holding box" was heard after French number two, Corentin Pottier ran with his Gotilas (by Totilas x Ferro) but he soon came back in the ring to run his horse with more brio and "accepted" was said. 

Polish team rider Zaneta Skowronska-Kozubik's will be unsure of her start in Paris as Love Me (by Locksley II x Walt Disney) got send to the holding box and after a second trot-up later on, was still held.

One "big five" team horse looked tender in front but was passed nonetheless. Let's see how this horse holds up in the test 

Alisa Glinka with Abercrombie
For Moldovan Alisa Glinka the road to Versailles has been covered with stressful stumbling blocks after a personal positive doping test got her provisionally suspended. Only last minute she was able to turn it around after proving it was a medical treatment after having given birth to her fifth child. At the trot-up her horse Abercrombie (by Ampere x Wolkentanz II) was sent to the holding box but re-presented at the end of the inspection. That trot-up did not fare well with Abercrombie not fully regular in front. However, Abercrombie was proclaimed "accepted", which felt like a sympathy vote for all the misery she had gone through in order to be able to be the first ever Moldovan dressage rider at the Olympics. 

This means that Amplemento, Malagueno, and Love Me will all have to be re-inspected on Tuesday morning. 

The Action Starts on Tuesday

Dressage fans will have to be patient as the real action - the Grand Prix as qualifier for both the Team Competition (GP Special) and Individual Finals (Kur to Music) - will only start on Tuesday morning 30 July 2024 at 11h00.

Polish team horse Love Me
Normally a trot-up takes place within 24 hours of the beginning of the Grand Prix class, but for these Games a special rule was made to give riders extra time. So on Monday there will be another training day and only on Tuesday the Games will truly begin.

- Text and Photos © Eurodressage (this article expresses Eurodressage's' eye-witness account and opinion about the competition)  

Eurodressage is taking photos of all competitors in Versailles. No reproduction allowed - NO SCREENSHOTS!

Related Link
Eurodressage Coverage of the Olympic Games