FEI to Convene Stakeholder Meeting to Address Dressage Challenges

Mon, 08/26/2024 - 19:55
Photo © Astrid Appels

The FEI will host a key meeting with stakeholders on 1 October 2024, to kick off in-depth discussions on addressing the challenges currently impacting the discipline of Dressage. 

This meeting, which will bring together representatives from national federations, recognised stakeholder groups — including athletes, officials, organisers, trainers, and veterinary experts — marks the beginning of a broader strategy to develop a comprehensive long-term strategy for Dressage, to ensure the sustainability and growth of the discipline.

(Eurodressage inquired with the FEI where this meeting will take place, but has not yet received a reply. We will update the article as soon as we find out. Unconfirmed reports is that it will be at the FEI headquarters in Lausanne)

Update on Research and Development Initiatives

The meeting will also provide an opportunity to update the community on current and upcoming research and development initiatives, including the oral cavity study.

“While the FEI fully recognises the challenges currently facing the discipline of Dressage and has worked to address issues as they have arisen, the primary focus in recent months has been on delivering key events, as well as a successful Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris 2024, which has required considerable attention and resources,” FEI President Ingmar De Vos explained.  

“Our goal now is to collaborate closely with all our stakeholders to address the challenges facing Dressage. While many in our community recognise the urgency of the situation, others may not yet fully grasp the critical juncture at which equestrian sport currently stands.

The Horse's Comfort

“While the FEI is committed to seeking collective solutions and fostering consensus wherever possible, the safety and well-being of our horses remain our top priority. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that Dressage is a discipline where the sport is conducted in a manner that focuses on the horse’s comfort.

“As the governing body, the FEI is prepared to take the necessary decisions to ensure that we are living up to our promise to ‘Be a Guardian’ for our equine partners, and to improve the standards of safety and care in our sport. We have shown in recent months that the FEI is ready to step in and take decisive action when the need arises.

“As the sport evolves, we must adapt and find effective solutions to current challenges. Our success depends on the community’s willingness to approach these issues with an open mind and work together toward common ground.”

Be a Guardian

The FEI introduced the Be a Guardian initiative in July, which calls upon members of the community to fully commit to their duties as ‘guardians’ of FEI horses. 

Be a Guardian is the central message that unites the community around the FEI Action Plan that was developed from the recommendations outlined in the final report of the independent Equine Ethics and Wellbeing Commission.

The term 'guardian' marks an evolution in the FEI's narrative of the horse-human partnership, chosen to better represent the human role in caring for horses and to underscore each individual's responsibility for ensuring horse welfare.

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