After sixteen years on the post, Bo Jenå has announced that he is stepping down as Swedish dressage team captain.
As of 2008 Jenå captained the Swedish dressage riders at four Olympic Games, four World Championships and eight European Championships.
Family Time
He decided to resign from the job to spend more time with his family and grandchildren, the Swedish NF posted. "I will miss all the colleagues, riders and horses that I have had the privilege of working with," he said.
Jena commented, "I was already thinking after Tokyo about not extending the contract as national team captain. I had promised my children that when I have grandchildren, I will scale back. But the pandemic meant that it was only three years until the next Olympics and the contract was extended beyond Paris."
Bo was nicknamed "Bosse" by his team mates.
Bronze Streak
"With continuity and calm, he hasn led the Swedish dressage national team at a high and consistent championship level," the Swedish equestrian federation stated. "There have been many top positions for the national team, which has consistently been in the top four-five in Europe and in the top ten at all WC and Olympics."
The recruitment of a new national dressage captain has begun.
Photos © Astrid Appels
Related Links
Eurodressage Photo Database: Bo Jena
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