For Irish Grand Prix team rider Sorrell Klatzko the natural feed supplement Equine 74 Gastric has became an integral part of her daily feeding routine. She saw impressive results in an array of horses after starting a tailored feeding programme which included the Equine 74 for ulcer prevention and gastric relief.
"I think it's such genuinely fantastic product for the horses; competition horses, training horses, developing young horses, as well as breeding stock," said Klatzko.
Tailored Feeding Programme for the Best Life
Sorrell's interest in Equine 74 Gastric was peaked when she noticed the scores of her friend Liz Diegutis suddenly improve after Liz had started feeding two of her sensitive horses with the product.
"I had known about it for many years, whilst based in Germany, but when I saw the remarkable improvement in Liz' horses, I felt compelled to try it on my new horse Rock My Heart. He had been gifted a tub to support his long journey from Germany to Ireland and his step-up towards international Grand Prix."
Despite the best care from a training perspective, some horses still need help when it comes to ulcer prevention.
Sorrell especially had her own, more sensitive horses in mind, that could benefit from Equine 74 Gastric and Equine 74 Stomach Calm Relax.
"One of my horses always did loads of loose droppings whenever he was learning new movements," Sorrell explained. "Another was really struggling to put top line back on after injury and one was perfect until he saw his travel boots and became a sweaty and shaky wreck. I knew they needed help and found a great solution and support in Equine 74."
Equine 74, a Family Business That Cares
After consultation with Equine 74, Sorrell implemented the supplement into her feeding programme.
"I had a chat with the company owner and quickly realised we sang off the same hymn sheet," she said "Everything both of us do is to try our best to help horses have their best lives. Having spoken to him and discussed my various horses, we decided actually all of them needed it for different reasons."
The Equine 74 business is run by Germans Christian and Tanja Dietz. They care about each of their customers and look for tailored solutions for their horses.
"This is a real family business with a couple who have true passion not only for their own well-being and health, but for horses. They have a genuine understanding and interest in sport horses, be it show jumpers, race horses, dressage horses, eventers, breeding stock, you name it!"
Sorrell added, "what I found even more comforting is the transparency in the ingredients, their pure natural sources and the regular testing and development based on feedback of top vets, medical health centres, and also actual horse owners. The education and understanding in why the product can help so many horses keeps growing."
Overall Improvement
Sorrell was amazed by the improvement her horses made after being on this natural feed supplement, which buffers acid instead of just blocking it. It creates a healthy ph balance in the horse's stomach.
Klatzko has a wide range of horses in the barn, from foals and broodmares to international Grand Prix horses. No matter their training level, intensity or age, they all benefit from Equine 74.
"With Equine 74 I noticed one horse who had really soft feet now has big strong high quality hooves. Another coming back from injury involving a bone gets a higher daily dose and the calcium and the binders in the product have clearly helped massively in this horse's recovery," she cited. "He seems a new horse. A horse that was cribbiting non stop changed so much and gained condition and muscle whilst reducing massively how often he cribs. A mare, who was getting very hot and stressed every cycle, is much more settled."
A Natural Solution
"All my horses are fed hay, bedded on straw, and are turned out as much as possible too. Their feed system is very simple: oats, a stud nut, and when needed a good quality mash," said Sorrell. "I try to keep supplements simple. Some are on herbs, I feed electrolytes when they sweat, I give a fantastic Irish omega oil from sea algae, and Equine74."
Equine 74 Gastric is more cost-effective and gentle on the horse's constitution than pharmaceutical medication. "And it's fully FEI doping free which is extremely important," Sorrell added.
For further informations www.equine74.com or call directly Christian under +49 172 5184099.
Shop online for Equine 74 Gastric
Photos © Astrid Appels