The dressage selection committees of the German Olympic Equestrian Committee (DOKR) have named the riders on Grand Prix squads for 2025.
Already a few years ago the German FN has started with the gradual name change of the squads from A and B squad to include a B2 squad. The renaming process than turned to Olympic / Elite squad and perspective squad.
A few interesting observations can be made. Rath is no longer listed with Thiago, Sönke Rothenberger's Matchball is no longer listed, nor is Wandres' Duke of Britain who is scheduled to retire. Dalera is out because she has been officially retired, like Werth's Emilio. Also Ingrid Klimke has lost her squad spot with Franziskus.
In the Under 25 squad Semmieke Rothenberger is not listed with Farrington. Thomas Trischberger is no longer listed as he aged out of the U25 division.
The composition of the youth squads will also be announced shortly.
A-squad (Olympic):
- Katharina Hemmer - Denoix PCH
- Matthias Alexander Rath - Destacado FRH
- Sönke Rothenberger - Fendi
- Frederic Wandres - Bluetooth OLD
- Isabell Werth - Quantaz and Wendy
B-quad (Perspective)
- Raphael Netz - Great Escape Camelot
- Bianca Nowag-Aulenbrock - Florine OLD
- Dorothee Schneider - Dayman
Under 25-squad (Perspective)
- Luca-Sophie Collin - Ferrero D
- Helen Erbe - Carlos FRH
- Felicitas Hendricks - Drombusch OLD
- Anna Schölermann - Bon Scolari
- Moritz Treffinger - Cadeau Noir and Fiderdance
- Elisabeth von Wulffen - Triple A
Related Links
German Dressage Squads for 2024 Announced
German Youth Squads for 2024 Announced