-- press release Hannoveraner Verband
It has not been a boring year, said Dr Hinni Lührs-Behnke. The President of the Hannoveraner Verband welcomed 101 delegates and numerous guests to the 2024 delegates’ assembly in Verden.
"Our lobby in society as a whole is dwindling. We have to stick together because we have the expertise," said Dr Hinni Lührs-Behnke. The past year was difficult, but the Hannoveraner Verband got many things off the ground. These included issues such as the GOT (fee schedule for veterinarians in Germany) and the wolf. Managing Director Wilken Treu agreed: "It was a broad range of tasks that affected not just one horse breeding society, but the entire horse industry." He described a phase of downsizing in key areas. "We have to adapt to this, but we will uphold the concept of quality."
Correct Conformation
There will be numerous innovations concerning the breeding. The importance of correct conformation will be documented with future awards for mares that have a correct and good conformation. In view of the declining number of participants at the Herwart von der Decken show, classes for four-year-olds will also be offered at the Verband’s mare show at the beginning of August this year. There will also be a newly created foal award.
"The district associations can decide how the foals are to be honoured," explained Ulrich Hahne. The breeding director also presented an award programme for dressage mares, which is to be introduced in line with the star system of the Hannoveraner Jumper Breeding Programme.
Financial Balance
When it came to the presentation of the annual financial statements, the balanced annual result for the past year, announced by financial director Carsten Scherf and auditor Christian Siemer, was the subject of lively discussion. The good news: the Hannoveraner Verbande’s scale of fees will not be adjusted in any respect. There was also a lively discussion about six motions put forward by members. The delegates approved a motion from the Verden Horse Breeding Club to create greater transparency regarding the health status of stallions. The relevant committees of the Hannoveraner Verband will look into the form in which this information can be published. In addition, the communication tool "Online Members' Forum" will not be continued.
Garrn Replaces Klatt
As scheduled, the election of the Dressage Presidium member was on the agenda. Arend Garrn, Guderhandviertel, will take over this position from Matthias Klatt, Hahausen, who was no longer standing for election.
"We need to become more transparent and I want to strengthen the sense of togetherness again," said the successful breeder. Olaf Funke, Braunschweig, is a new member of the Supervisory Board. "It's time for something positive to happen again. We have lost the Hannoveraner foal brand, but not the pride in our horses," said the mechanical and industrial engineer.
Special Award
The delegates' assembly was the appropriate setting for a very special award: the Hannoveraner Verband's Golden Badge of Honour was presented four times. Hans Henning von der Decken, Brocklosenborstel, Hartmut Wilking, Stemwede, Klaus Storbeck, Göttingen, and Jürgen Stuhtmann, Bahlburg, have shown great commitment to the Hannoveraner breed and the Hannoveraner Verband in many areas on a voluntary basis over the past decades. They have worked with great passion in responsible positions and committees.
The honouring of long-standing horse breeding association chairmen and managing directors who have retired from office is also a good tradition. These included Hark Arfsten, Havelberg, Fritz Denekas, Leer-Loga, Dr Rudolf Drünert, Ahrensbök, Thomas Schneckenburger, Tuttlingen, and Herbert Vick, Tespe.
Philipp and Tessa Lange, Albstedt, were honoured with the Friedrich Jahncke Prize for the best mare family of the show season at the Herwart von der Decken Show in August last year. It has now been presented in the form of an oil painting.
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