Danish warmblood has amended its rule that broodmares have to be "fit to compete" at DWB inspections.
In the past mares with chronic lameness were still being presented at (foal) shows if a veterinary statement from the owner's vet was presented. The mare was trotting up with the foal that was being inspected.
Danish warmblood has decided that this will no longer be accepted. All horses produced under the auspices of Dansk Varmblod must be "fit to compete".
"At Dansk Varmblod, the welfare of the horses is the focus, and at this year's judges' meeting, the presentation of mares with foals for foal show, as well as older mares for inspection, was up for debate," Danish warmblood communicated. "The judges agreed that all horses that come to a show or a judging must be ready for presentation, popularly called "fit to compete". If they are not, the evaluation cannot be carried out regardless of whether it is a mare that is standing for evaluation, or a mare that brings foals to the foal show. There was broad agreement on this among the association's judges."
Mares that have suffered a chronic injury and are unlevel will only be inspected at a home inspection or a 1-judge inspection.
Photo © Ridehesten
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