Austrian Sandra Nuxoll and the KWPN bred Bonheur de la Vie reigned supreme in 2020 Louisdor Cup Finals, the German Developing Grand Prix Horse Championship, held this year at Gestut Schafhof in Kronberg, Germany, on 19 - 20 December 2020.
Traditionally the Louisdor Cup finals take place at the international dressage competition in Frankfurt, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic and corona restrictions making it impossible to stage an enjoyable large, scale indoor event, the Finals moved to the home base of Frankfurt organiser Ann Kathrin Linsenhoff, Gestut Schafhof.
No spectators were allowed, but the competition was streamed live online. The judges panel was stellar with five German 5-star judges officiating: : Elke Ebert, Ulrike Nivelle, Evi Eisenhardt, Katrina Wüst, and Henning Lehrmann.
Supreme Victory for Bonheur de la Vie
The German based Austrian Sandra Nuxoll was a league of her own in the Louisdor Cup Finals aboard the 8-year old KWPN gelding Bonheur de la Vie (by Bordeaux x Tuschinski) scoring 77.140%. The horse looked the most settled and confirmed in the Grand Prix work of all horse in the Cup finals.
Bonheur reveals his Dutch heritage in the way he moves: a lovely frontleg with some knee action. He has a lovely expressive silhouette, but the tendency to hurry in the trot extensions and not achieving enough ground cover. The hind legs trailed a bit in the half pass to the right, the one to the left was much better. The highlight movement was without a doubt the passage: it was so well carried, very regular and with much airtime. The piaffe, however, was more passage on the spot: he maintained a steady rhythm and stayed up in the bridle, but there was no real lowering of the haunches. The extended walk was very nice, the tempi changes were outstanding: straight and beautiful. In the extended canter he could be more uphill and over the back. Just like in the piaffe, the pirouettes showed that really taking the weight on the hindlegs is still tricky at this point. The canter pirouettes were big and not so balanced yet. Overall there could be a bit more lightness in the bridle, with Nuxoll keeping a handheld contact. The final passage on the centerline was amazing.
This is Sandra's first Louisdor Cup title and she achieved it by staying 3% ahead of the competition.
"This has never happened to me," said Nuxoll in tears, crediting her horse for the success. "I like everything about him. He's super chique, he has the right mix of tension and relaxation. He wants to do everything right under saddle, he learns quickly."
Nuxoll is known to love the process of training a young horse to Grand Prix level, more so than competing at international Grand Prix level herself. Her last international start dates back to 2015. Sandra has preferred selling her horses for top money - her most recent ones being Destiny OLD (sold to Kristina Bröring-Sprehe) and Stand by Me (Lisa Müller) - instead of pursuing her own international career. It will be interesting to see if she will retain Bonheur de la Vie and try out for the Austrian Olympic team for Tokyo 2021.
Denoix PCH Runner Up
Hubertus Schmidt and his charming 8-year old Oldenburg stallion Denoix PCH (by Destano x Pik Noir) were the runners-up with 74.360%.
Schmidt was thrilled with the second place, after winning the qualifier in Hagen at the beginning of June.
"He learns everything so quickly," said Schmidt about the stallion. "He's such a talented horse and you can't overwork them. You bring their talent to the fore. I'm super happy with him here. He had a long break and I only picked up shows again with him in June."
Denoix was licensed at the 2014 Oldenburg Stallion Licensing and acquired at auction by the Celle State Stud for 70,000 euro. He got named after the famous French veterinarian and lameness expert, Dr. Jean-Marie Denoix. Under Janina Tietze he was reserve champion at the 2016 Oldenburg Young Horse Championships in Rastede. American Nancy Gooding, a long-time sponsor of Hubertus Schmidt and heir to the Pepsi cola dynasty, purchased Denoix at the 2016 Oldenburg Autumn Elite Auction for 300,000 euro.
First Romance Third
Dorothee Schneider and Gabriele Kippert's 10-year old Baden Wurttemberger gelding First Romance (by Furst Romancier x Day Dream) landed third place with 73.220%
"Today we had two mistakes in the zig zag, but overall he did a really nice Grand Prix," said Schneider. "He has a lot of eagerness. Our working point is his concentration, but I'm so happy to have him and that I can train, develop and compete him. He has limitless talent."
Schneider has been training First Romance from young horse level to Grand Prix.
"He is 10 now and had a very long break because of injury," she sai. The pair's last international show was in Randboel in November 2018. "Everything is there, it just needs to stabilise and he needs to focus."
Quick Notes
Finnish Emma Kanerva and Gert Saborowki's 9-year old German sport horse bred Greek Air (by Gribaldi x Florestan) slotted in fourth with 73.120%. The chestnut Greek Air is not the most flashy horse with his straight legged way of moving, but in canter each stride is uphill and he certainly had the engine behind. The passage was not even though, with more left hindleg activity, and in the piaffes he crept forwards, but the extended walk had a very nice V-moment in the rhythm and the left pirouette was really lovely.
Sandro Nuxoll qualified two horses for the Louisdor Cup Finals and with her 9-year old Oldenburg mare Hanami (by Dante Weltino x His Highness) she placed fifth with 72.860%. The very feminine looking mare produced lovely trot half passes, but hurried in the extensions. She had a nice silhouette and showed great potential in both piaffe and passage, but overall the self carriage is not as developed; with the rider supporting her very much still. The tempi changes were lovely and uphill.
Uwe Schwanz and Hildegard Riedmaier's 9-year old Danish warmblood Rockson (by Rockefeller x Sorento) were sixth with 72.120%. The bay is a big mover, achieving lots of overtrack in the trot lengthenings, but his passage was not always even, with more right hind leg activity. In piaffe Rockson dropped on the forehand and one would wish for more spring off the ground. In the extended walk there could have been more overstep.
Lena Waldmann and Gestut Bonhomme's 10-year old KWPN stallion Grey Flanell (by Gribaldi x Clavecimbel) placed 8th with 70.460%. The black stallion showed a lovely passage, with good engagement of the hindlegs reaching under the body, although he is not always as strong and regular yet. In piaffe he displayed great ability to sit, but the balance was not yet there as he got wide in front. The walk was good and he stayed clear in the collected walk. The trot extensions did not have the biggest ground cover and the tempi changes are still a bit flat, but although very sensitive and tense (the trembling lip revealed it) he was very obedient and listened to his rider.
Text by Astrid Appels - Photos © Stefan Lafrentz.
Related Links
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Finalists for 2020 Louisdor Cup Known
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