Now is the last chance to watch and trial ride the horses in this remarkable collection, as the last week before Sportpferde Scholz Auction No. 1 has begun.
The auction includes horses for everyone: unbroken 3-year-olds and Bundeschampionate competitors on the one hand, as well as horses trained up to Prix St. Georges level with potential for Grand Prix on the other hand.
The live-auction begins at 6 p.m. on 28th February 2021 with online bidding, is open to the public and broadcasted by www.clipmyhorse.tv.
Live Auction + Online Bidding
How the online bidding works:
- Register on www.mennraths.de
- Pay a deposit of 2.000€, either via bank transfer or credit card. After the auction, the sum will either be transferred back immediately or not debited. The amount will be credited on the price of the horse in case of successful bidding.
- Log in on www.mennraths.de on the day of the auction, you will see a split screen. www.clipmyhorse.tv will broadcast the whole presentation and auction of the horses on one half of the screen. The other half will show a digital panel on which you can observe the current bids, as well as the next price step. You can enter the bidding process yourself by clicking on the button “bid”.
In order for everyone to be prepared for the auction as best as possible, www.mennraths.de offers a test run of the online auction prior to the real auction. As a result, everyone will be ready for the start of the auction on 28 February 2021 at 6 p.m.
Discover the Auction Collection
Register for the auction and do a test run. Clients can still trial ride the horses if required, after making an appointment by telephone with Fabian Scholz (for contact info see below) and in strict compliance with Corona- rules.
The purchase price already includes tax, only the auction fee will be added afterwards. Please have a look at the auction regulations on www.mennraths.de/auction/18/details beforehand.
Live Auction in Füchtorf/Warendorf
The auction takes place at the Messerschmidt-Hahn stable in Füchtorf/Warendorf. If any of the Corona restrictions shouldn’t apply anymore prior to the date of the auction, it might be possible to allow guests on the premises.
You can find all the information on www.sportpferde-scholz.de , on Facebook and Instagram.
Happiness for the little ones:
Many reasons made 2020 a truly special year- a truly happy one especially for Carina and Fabian Scholz, as they got married last October and are expecting their first child. “This is obviously our main focus right now”, says Fabian Scholz. Due to the fact of children and horses being the two main topics in their life, the couple decided to use the auction in order to support the association “Pferde für unsere Kinder e.V.” After the auction, one of the famous wooden horses and a learning bag by “Pferde für unsere Kinder e.V. will be donated to the Marienkindergarten in Glandorf.
- Fabian Scholz
Tel: +49 (0) 171 / 75 41 871
Email: kontakt@sportpferde-scholz.de
For inquiries from the USA:
- Michael Klimke
Tel: +49 (0) 172 / 521 3937 - Email: Klimke.mobil@gmx.de
Registration and information regarding the collection on www.mennraths.de and on www.sportpferde-scholz.de.
Related Links
Collection Online for 2021 Sportpferde Scholz Auction No.1
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