Turtlegate - Is the Neue Schule Turtle Tilt Curb Allowed or Not? FEI Says No!

Wed, 06/30/2021 - 13:12
The Neue Schulte Turtle tilt bit in a horse competing at the 2021 CDIO Compiegne :: Photo © Astrid Appels

Since the 2021 CDIO Compiegne a debate has been going on between riders, stewards and the FEI about whether a specific curb bit - the Neue Schule Turtle Tilt weymouth - is allowed or not.

FEI stewards had been on high alert for this bit after a "memo" was sent out on 17 May 2021, which re-confirmed that this bit is not allowed. The curb's forward titled position of the tongue port causes a "mechanical restriction of the movement of the tongue," which is against FEI regulations.

The FEI Tack and Equipment Committee, led by Chloe Harty, has been working in overdrive since then about the legality of this weymouth. Questions from Eurodressage about this incident and whether the bit is allowed or not remained unanswered for weeks.  Now we received a reply: it is NOT allowed.

An FEI spokesperson told Eurodressage that, "the Turtle Tilt Curb is not a permitted bit according to the FEI Dressage rules."

Turtlegate in Compiegne

At the CDIO Compiègne, a 5* competition serving as important Olympic team selection trial for several nations, two riders were found to have ridden with the Turtle Tilt curb on Saturday 29 June 2021 at the tack inspection of the CDIO Grand Prix Special. 

The turtle tilt curb in another horse at the 2021 CDIO Compiegne
These riders had already performed the Grand Prix on Friday in the same bit, but the steward handling the tack inspection then had not noticed these bits. However, a different more vigilant FEI steward for the Special spotted two horses ridden with this curb. 

In case of a FEI tack rule infraction, the chief steward needs to notify the Judge at C, and normally elimination follows. In this case the Chief Steward went up to the judge at C, but she decided not to eliminate those riders for competing in an unauthorized bit, as the steward the day before allowed the use of the bit.

The FEI spokesperson explained to Eurodressage that, "the Technical Delegate’s report from Compiegne referred to this situation, however, as this was a field of play decision made by the Ground Jury it cannot be retroactively changed."

Turtle Tilt

Manufacturer Neue Schule states that the Turtle Tilt "sits further forward on the tongue creating a greater degree of separation between curb and bridoon, addressing the all too common problem of interference between the two bits."

The Neue Schule Turtle Tilt curb
Neue Schule continues, "the flattened underside of the Turtle Tilt mouthpiece is held parallel to the tongue delivering a broad and smooth weight-bearing surface with little bulk between the floor of the mouth and upper palate. Generally recommended to clarify the rein aids, improve comfort and promote sustainable performance."

The FEI alleges is that this "flattened underside," which is "delivering a broad and smooth weight-bearing surface" in fact facilitates mechanical constraint of the tongue, mimicking the effect of a tongue plate. The FEI Rule 428.3 reads: "Bits must not place mechanical restraint upon the tongue" and for curbs "the mouthpiece may be straight or shaped to allow tongue relief."

The FEI fully revised its Tack and Equipment Rules in 2018 and as of 1 January 2019 the turtle tilt bit was no longer allowed.

17 May Memo

The pictograms of the curbs that are allowed by the FEI
The 17 May 2021 memo was sent out to a steward seeking confirmation if the turtle tilt is allowed. The FEI's reply read: 

"The equipment expert group have determined that this curb bit would have the action of placing mechanical restraint on the tongue, and so would not be allowed in FEI Dressage competitions, as per the FEI Dressage Rules article 428.3."

A week later in Compiegne riders still turned up with this bit, even though this bit has not been allowed since 2019. At the show they appeared clueless about this tack rule, initially claiming this is an "unannounced rule change." Since 2019 the turtle tilt has not been listed in the pictograms as an authorized bit. 

About the memo, the FEI told Eurodressage, "we also send out reminders to all Officials and National Federations on the use of permitted equipment, in addition to the Competency-based Evaluation System (CES) which requires Officials to undertake testing on annual basis to ensure that they are up to date with all the rules."

Clearer Communication of the Rules

British Olympian Richard Davison, who often serves as a spokesperson between the riders and the FEI, has been urging the FEI to be clearer in their communication of its tack rules. He claims that the illustrations used in the FEI Tack Rules are not strictly regulatory, but only the text. The text however speaks of tongue restraint. To Davison this is ground for a debate of what the words "tongue relief" and "tongue restraint” really mean, but  especially for how any rule really impacts on improved horse comfort and welfare.

TheTurtle Tilt curb in Compiegne
"We need to operate a transparent and objective process when it comes to
arriving at decisions such as this. That’s why genuine expert, objective and evidence-based input  is required for any rule change or guidance for interpretation," Davison told Eurodressage. "Plus all affected stakeholders (such as judges, riders and stewards) should receive effective and timely communication as to any new determinations or interpretations of existing regulations such as the one established on 17th May 2021."

The FEI told Eurodressage that, "we are working on creating a designated area on the FEI website where the decisions of the Equipment Experts Working Group will be shared with stakeholders."

Photos © Astrid Appels

Related Links
The Double Bridle: An Instrument of Understanding
A Bit is Only as Harsh as the Hands that Hold It
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